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Thread: PS3 Price Drop
v85rawdeal 11:02 26th September 2007
That's okay, so do I...

I spend more time finding places to hide than I do shooting people!!! And I am damn good at it.

However, never drop a grenade on someone who is standing right below your hiding place... It hurts!!!
Sharingan 12:56 26th September 2007
Originally Posted by Demon Cleaner:
Originally Posted by v85rawdeal:
welcome to the club, DC

Time to join Clan on RFOM, methinks!!!
Is there already a RFOM Classicamiga clan? Who is member then? But I warn you, I suck at FPS.

Sucking at FPS isn't quite so dramatic when playing R:FOM, I think (I'm quite bad at them). Unlike most of the PC FPS games, R:FOM isn't quite so dependent on twitchy reflexes and uber-fast manoeuvring. So, as long as you manage to learn how to use cover well, and know which weapons to use in which situation, you should be okay.
Harrison 13:57 26th September 2007
I play a lot of FPS games and I still suck at fast reflex multiplayer games like Team Fortress because unless you camp out in those games all day learning every trick and sniper location you have no chance. I much prefer FPS games that have a slightly slower pace giving you more time to react and enjoy the experience.

I do however still enjoy quick reflex online games. I used to love playing Quake 3 online, as the levels are not as complicated and you can just leg it around shooting each other. It's when strategy and elite teams of players camp on the servers that I find it becomes less enjoyable and more frustrating than fun.

It does sound from what I've read thatR:FOM isn't as quick reflex and much more enjoyable multiplayer which is good news.
Demon Cleaner 18:08 27th September 2007
I downloaded the demo of Heavenly Sword yesterday, but I'm a bit disappointed. Ok, I admit, I compared it to God of War. It's testier and the enemies respawning all the time makes it very tedious. In GoW you fight off some enemies, then you can explore again, solve some puzzles and fight again. In HS, I smashed the buttons for 20 minutes straight, without a pause, still enemies respawning, and in the end, I was dead, no checkpoint, had to begin from scratch.
toomanymikes 21:36 27th September 2007
Im a member of the R:FOM clan! Just now its me and v85Rawdeal so were looking for members to bolster our numbers! Saying that I havent played it in a while cos Warhawk has taken over my PS3 - how about we start a clan on that too - then the world shall quake in our presence! I need a lie down...
Demon Cleaner 21:40 27th September 2007
I have still not tested R:FOM, how can I see that you guys from the CA clan are online? Can I join the clan only when someone is online, or also whilst offline?
v85rawdeal 21:47 27th September 2007
What name do you use on the PSN network? I can send you an invite this saturday when I get my PS3 online for a while.
Demon Cleaner 21:51 27th September 2007
I use Demonrecords. I had problems finding an ID, almost everything I tried was already taken. So I took the name of my PayPal business account and it worked
Teho 07:55 28th September 2007
Nice to hear that you've gotten a PS3 as well now, Demon.

I also am not wildly excited about Heavenly Sword. It seems allright enough I guess, but according to reviews it is as you say all about fighting hordes of enemies, all the time. There's no exploring or puzzlesolving at all. Just kill a bunch of enemies, walk to next area and kill another bunch of enemies. That said it does look great at doing that, but I worry that it'll just be tedious even when knowing how short it is.

About seeing when clan buddies are onlin in Resistance, if you have them in your PSN buddy-list you can always see if they're online (and what they're playing) there. Otherwise, there is a clan-page in the game which shows if members are playing or not, and lets you form 'parties' to play in. When playing online, the game simply takes your stats and try to put you in games with people of similar skill. So you don't normally pick the games yourself, but can narrow it down to gametype, level and so on. The party function is to make sure that you and your friends aren't separated and always play together using this system. Like toomanymikes I haven't played it in a long while either though. But it is fun, you have something to look forward to there.

About Folklore, there is a demo available for download isn't there? At least there was. To be honest, I wasn't terribly impressed by it. But then again I'm not that into RPGs, though I do like the genre. And it is the first one for PS3 so I've preordered it anyway.

If your're going to get any of the downloadable games, get Stardust. The others are all worth their low price too, but are much more forgettable games. Stardust is definitely all about quick reflexes and accurate shooting, and you are going to suck horribly at it to start with. It's one of those games that you just get better at if you keep at it, but always stay very challenging and is amazing fun in my opinion.
Sharingan 10:35 28th September 2007
Yeah, Heavenly Sword isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea. If you liked the mindless hack and slash of Dynasty Warriors, chances are you'll like Heavenly Sword - otherwise, steer clear. Supposedly, the storyline (though short) is very well crafted and wonderfully presented though.
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