Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Cleaning a pcb A1200
Zetr0 14:14 7th June 2008
The only REAL way to get rid of the yellowing is to use an Acetone Bath.

Place chassis in dish washer (gets rid of grime, grease and opens the plastic up)

make a shallow bath (enough to cover the item) of Acetone then gently dip the component a couple of times in it.... then rinse in a shallow bath of water again gently dipping it..... repeat as nessasary


will say.... acetone disolves plasitc... so if you do use this method, for the love of god DONT rub the plastic in anyway... just submerg and retract a couple of times, then rinse in a bath of water, all this in gentle movement. (no side to side motion just in then out...

eventually the yellow will be removed.... once thats done allow a final wash of water then place in dish washer on a cool 30/40c wash. (NOT INTENSIVE)

once complete... use a matt acrylic laqure / varnish, spray gently, each coat in long arcs repeat only when its dry.. around 3 coats is more than enough... (make sure you leave enough time for each coat to FULLY dry) sometimes its best to just leave it a day if one has to!
Castelle 15:28 7th June 2008
Originally Posted by Buleste:
NEVER Ever Ever Ever stick PCB's in a dishwasher unless you want to kill them.
Sorry guys

I did have to chuckle to myself here

Not so silly as it sounds. I did 'wash' a PS2 keyboard that was dirty from my old Linux days... Dried it out on the hot towel rail - works fine now and I once accidently dropped my mobile in a glass of water!! dried that out, worked fine...

I think the thing here is to use a little common sense!!

Now where did I put that motherboard ??

Btw, no joke but I have an A1200 motherboard with 3.0 roms that I will be putting in the recycle bin on Amibay now that Harrison has given me access to it
Zetr0 16:33 7th June 2008
That will make some fellow AmiBayers very happy, its very generious of you!
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