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Thread: PS3 news and tidbits thread
Submeg 06:49 19th June 2008
Well, if you consider so much of this game is movies my actual play time is a lot less lol.

Finished it in 16:26:18

I must have stuffed around a bit in there!
Sharingan 12:54 19th June 2008
Copious amounts of free time indeed

I got the game at launch, but I've only been able to sink 3 hours into the game so far. Hopefully, I'll have a little more leisure time soon, so I can finish up some games. GTAIV is still lying about somewhere, too.
Submeg 13:39 19th June 2008
GTA is quite sweet too, havent finished that one yet!!
Teho 15:41 19th June 2008
GTA4 is indeed great, but I haven't finished it yet either. Haven't played it in weeks in fact. The latest VGCats neatly sums up why.
Submeg 16:25 22nd June 2008
10:45:32...really zoomed through, spent an hour getting drebin over a mil now, want 5 so I can get stealth...
v85rawdeal 18:04 26th June 2008
Originally Posted by Submeg:
getting drebin points...

Do they allow you to become a member of Police Squad???

Tell the truth, you can be Frank with me...
Sharingan 18:00 8th July 2008
Finally finished the game, restarting on another difficulty level.

What an epic game; couldn't have thought of a better way for Solid Snake to go.

Hideo Kojima is thinking of continuing the series, but I really can't imagine a Metal Gear game without the iconic hero.

Next game I'm looking forward to will be Soul Calibur IV. Should be yummy.
Sharingan 17:28 31st July 2008
Soul Calibur IV is out.

Eye candy for sure! And oh, the fighting mechanics aren't bad either.

And online play!
Harrison 22:49 31st July 2008
I love Soul Calibur. I've been hooked on that series since the original Soul Blade (Soul Edge in arcades), and the first Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast was amazing. They still haven't managed to match the great intro of Soul Blade yet though. What is the intro like on the new one?
Submeg 03:41 1st August 2008
Meh, over fighting games. only good if the person you are playing is around the same level as you...getting unlockable moves and outfit extras....*YAWN* next.
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