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Thread: PS3 news and tidbits thread
Submeg 10:41 27th November 2007
I think the correct term is mooching......I mean, borrowing. My bad
Sharingan 13:09 27th November 2007
There should be more Ozzes around! The world would be a much better place!

Yeah, I'll be picking up Uncharted as soon as it hits the stores. I thought the demo was rather hard at first, but if you make good use of cover and play conservatively, it isn't that bad. Try to get some headshots in: insta-kill, and saves tons of ammo. Save the shotgun for when the bad guys try to rush you.

Anyone tried the PS3's DVD upscaler? At 1080p resolution and with the Upscaler setting at 'Double Scale', the picture quality is pretty damn amazing. While not exactly high definition, watching DVDs with this feature is like a whole different experience. According to some sources, the PS3 upscaler is actually better than similar options offered in dedicated DVD players.
Harrison 13:56 27th November 2007
That sounds really good. Many dedicated DVD players with HD upscalers can cost nearly £1000, so to have a superior ability on a £300 console is amazing to say the least.
Sharingan 17:41 8th December 2007
Uncharted is in. Only tried it out for a little bit, but let's just say that this game is audiovisual bliss played on a large HDTV and with 5.1 surround sound.

Probably the most technically stunning game so far this console generation, and likely the first PS3 title that simply cannot be done on another platform at this moment (save for a high-spec PC). Naughty Dog's really outdone themselves.

Naughty Dog's now considering their next project, which could either be an Uncharted sequel, or the next iteration of Jak & Daxter.
toomanymikes 18:36 8th December 2007
I just picked up Singstar as a pressy for my GF. It rocks so if any of you are into embarrasing yourselves in front of your mates for a laugh then I can reccomend this!
v85rawdeal 18:58 8th December 2007
Originally Posted by Sharingan:
Uncharted is in. Only tried it out for a little bit, but let's just say that this game is audiovisual bliss played on a large HDTV and with 5.1 surround sound.

Probably the most technically stunning game so far this console generation, and likely the first PS3 title that simply cannot be done on another platform at this moment (save for a high-spec PC). Naughty Dog's really outdone themselves.

Naughty Dog's now considering their next project, which could either be an Uncharted sequel, or the next iteration of Jak & Daxter.

And the great thing is that we are not very far into this new generation of consoles.

Good times ahead!
Submeg 02:52 9th December 2007
MGS here we come!!!
Harrison 12:22 10th December 2007
It definitely seems like the PS3 is starting to get some great releases quite early into it's life. Especially compared to the last generation on consoles. And yet I still hear people moaning that the PS3 is rubbish because it has no decent games!

They really need to do something about the impatient short attention spans of younger people these days.
Sharingan 13:23 10th December 2007
Fanboys are scary like that. They'd (ab)use anything to make themselves feel better about their own console. I've seen it all ... "The PS3 is too black." "Blu-ray disc has too much space." "DVD is all you need." "Jaggies!" "It's too expensive."

Usually, the people who are the most vocal in this regard are those who can't afford more than one console, so they need to do something in order to justify their purchase. Sadly, all rationality and common sense seems to go overboard then.

I'm a little further into Uncharted now, and my opinion still stands: what an amazing piece of work. Everything just clicks, from the gameplay to the graphics, from the storyline to the sound effects.

I might pick up Singstar too, just for a laugh. It's kind of inexpensive, too.
Harrison 15:42 10th December 2007
My GF has been going on about Singstar for some time now, but it's not really my cup of tea. I noticed you can get many different themed versions now for different musical genres. I may buy one if they release it for the death metal genre! Can't see my GF being impressed by that one though, but it would be bloody funny seeing her face!
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