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  1. #1
    C64 addict Staff Moderator
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    WinUAE 2.8.1 Betas

    Beta 1:

    Audio DMA CPU wait hack (that tries to prevent missing samples if program has CPU timed audio DMA wait) improved, now compatible with programs that really need delay after DMA switch off (for example switches DMA off, then clears interrupt request, and then finally waits for audio interrupt).
    CPU on the fly mode changes were unreliable (2.8.0b15)
    Fixed some GUI strings that didnīt support translation.
    .ccd CD images didnīt automatically load from archive if file was not in archive root.
    Disk insert after emulation has been started may have internally set disk as write protected even if disk image is write enabled. (broken since GUI "?" button was added)
    Added DMA channel support to memwatch points. Add DMA channel name (or more than one) at the end of debugger w command line, for example COP, BLT (or BLTA if you only want A channel reads) and so on.. No parameter = CPU accesses only.
    Null filter didnīt check display bounds, fixes possible DirectDraw mode crash when display size changes.
    Directory filesystem ACTION SET FILE SIZE will now fail if target file size is >= 2G. (Prevents accidental truncation if program does not support large files)
    Added directory filesystem MorphOS compatible 64-bit file size packets: ACTION_SEEK64, ACTION_SET_FILE_SIZE64, ACTION_LOCK_RECORD64, ACTION_FREE_RECORD64, ACTION_EXAMINE_OBJECT64, ACTION_EXAMINE_NEXT64, ACTION_EXAMINE_FH64 and ACTION_EXAMINE_ALL ED_SIZE64. (OS4 packets were implemented long time ago)
    AGA and reading non-existing or write-only custom registers work differently than on A500, donīt use new more A500 compatible method added in 2.8.0 with AGA configurations. (This is far from accurate)
    Mouse device autoswitching was unreliable if rawinput was not supported or was disabled.
    If Quickstart mode and sound filter is set to A500 or A1200 emulated or always on: automatically match it with selected config.
    DMA debugger now shows CPU and DMA 32-bit chip ram accesses, previously data was truncated to 16-bits. 64-bit DMA is stil truncated to 32-bit.

  2. #2
    C64 addict Staff Moderator
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    Demon Cleaner's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Beta 4 (RC1) & 5 (RC2) & Hotfix:


    Fixed HAM issue
    Fixed zip issue when mounting outside of WinUAE root directory

    Beta 5: (RC2)

    Relative path improvement broke CDFS CD mounting in some configurations.
    Ungrab (b4) event didnīt disable mouse capture when it was activated in fullscreen modes.
    VPOS LOF bit toggles (if interlace) exactly 2 cycles before first refresh slot. Logic analyzer tested.
    Copper vblank strobe also stopped the copper if DMA was disabled and second strobe register was accessed previously. Broke in 280b1. (Sequential / Andromeda first screen)
    More accurate BPL1DAT emulation. (Glitches appeared in Sequential / Andromeda magnet partīs left border when one pixel gap in Rink a Dink / Lemon rotozoomer part white border was fixed)
    8-bit split (odd/even) roms didnīt load if merged parent was missing.

    Beta 4: (RC1)

    New relative path mode worked badly under Windows XP, possibly up to Windows 7 without SP1.
    "Toggle between mouse grabbed and un-grabbed" input event has not done anything at all for ages (if ever).
    "Switch between audio interpolation methods" input event probably has never done anything at all, probably totally useless (custom events works as well) but at least it works now..
    2.8.0 translation dlls are accepted now.

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