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  1. #1
    Mostly Harmless Inactive Member
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    Think out of the square

    Generaly I like to comment on things that I feel could be of interest to all, or maybe if there is some info I need and so ask the question.
    Some times I log on and then feel the thoughts I wanted to bring up would be of no value to anyone so I leave with out any comment or input.
    I have heaps of questions to ask but its hard to get them down or express what I need to ask, maybe I am scared to ask some simple questions cause I feel I should know the answers and there for get laughted at.
    I'd want to start a thread to be of value not to get my score high.
    After reading Demon Cleaners reply and image he presented on the 7th nov 08 @4:12
    (AMIGA TABLE) it really got me thinking.
    WOW what an original idea was that table.
    I wanted to redo my old 1200 into a new case just to fresh'n it up.
    It was done a decade ago and is not a pretty sight. I thought a new tower would be great but how old fashioned is my thinking. Talk about my head in the sand, I wouldn't now put any amiga into a tower when realisticaly it can go anywhere your imagination can take it.
    The amiga table really opened up my eyes and made me see out of the square, a different approach if you like.
    Thanks Demon Cleaner I really love that photo clip and though I dont have room for another coffee table I think I know what my wife needs for Christmas.
    All the best,

  2. #2
    Retro Addict Administrator
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    I'm sure your wive would appreciate it.

    There have been many projects to relocate Amigas into alternative homes. A recent one some have tried is to turn an Amiga into a media centre style unit, using an old Hi-Fi separate or VCR case to base it on.

    However the complete opposite is also true these days. To expand an Amiga, but to try and fit everything into the original standard case of the Amiga. This is common these days with A1200 owners. Fitting a CD-Rom, CF card reader, HD, Accelerator and Flicker Fixer into a standard A1200 is quite commonplace. I've done this myself with one of my A1200's (minus the flicker fixer as they are too expensive) and in my view this is a more impressive setup than transplanting an A1200 into a tower case. Yes you do gain the ability to use PPC and 040/060 accelerators and breakout boards to add PCI cards, but for me I only need and want to use the Amiga's original hardware, so this is perfect.

    If you do plan a project please post all about it and document its progress with some images. We all love to see a project progress from start to finish. And if it is good then we can add it to the Classicamiga Wiki's "Amiga DIY" section.

    In fact, pop over to that section of our Wiki and take a look. I've so far added two existing projects. One is an old A600 as a laptop project, and the other is a new project created this year that successfully fits an A1200 into an A600 case, and even includes an 030 accelerator. Take a look at More details about the Mini A1200 are due very soon from the creator James.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

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