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  1. #1
    ELITE v85rawdeal's Avatar
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    Brand new PS2 on the cards?

    Found this titbit of information on the 'net

    The Internet has long been making up rumours about Sony creating a new version of the PS2 with a Wii-style, motion-sensing controller.

    Today the rumours became partially true with publisher In2Games announcing a new range of PS2 games featuring customised motion-sensing controllers.

    The range includes RealPlay Tennis, Pool, Golf, Racing, Bowling and an original game called Puzzlesphere.
    Which just goes to show that there is life in the old dog yet.

    Isn't it strange that nowadays both the Gamecube and the xBox can almost be considered retro, probably because it seems that both M1cr0s0ft and N1nt3nd0 don't seem to want to licence or support productions for the older system now their newer models are out, whereas the PS2 is still getting constant support.

    I am just so glad that producers of software for the Amiga didn't drop OCS and ECS systems when AGA came out. Imagine the uproar from people then, I just don't think people would have been too happy with Commodore. Then again, if they had made the Amiga backwards-compatible with C64 and C128 games, that would have just rocked and truly been the nail in the ST's coffin.

    Ah well, as much as we may berate Sony for the debacle (now there's a word not used often on many forums) surrounding the PS3 release, but at least they don't put you in a situation where you have to 'fork out' or 'lose out'. It may have been a comedy of errors but Sony's 'George Foreman Grill-a-like' plays great games (but cooks a lousy burger!!!)
    Last edited by v85rawdeal; 25th August 2007 at 21:37.
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  2. #2
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    AlexJ's Avatar
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    I saw this on GameCentral the other day when I happened to have a look at it for the first time in years. Quite interesting, and if the PS2 Mod Chip on Memory Card is true as well, then there could be a few more years lifetime for the PS2.

  3. #3
    ELITE v85rawdeal's Avatar
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    Gameentral is where I sourced it from...

    It certainly gives me back some faith in Sony and their consoles. I definitely don't feel like binning my pS2 yet...
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  4. #4
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    This is one of the reasons I like Sony and the Playstation brand so much. They don't abandon their existing systems and userbase just because they release a new system. They don't focus just on the development and sales of the new system, but also continue to consider what can still be achieved with the existing hardware.

    No other console manufacturer has done this. Microsoft completely abandoned the original Xbox once the 360 was launched and didn't consider existing Xbox owners at all. The system to them was dead and out of date. Yes, the 360 has some backward compatibility, but I think this was more a token gesture to try and get more people to buy a 360, but because they wanted to support the original Xbox owners. M$ pushed developers to move over to the 360 while the original Xbox was still being sold, and so even before the 360 came out the number of new games dried up and development ceased. Not a good move.

    Nintendo did finally learn from Sony and made the Wii gamecube compatible which was a great move. The first Nintendo system that allows controllers from the last system to be connected. I never understood why Nintendo changed everything on each console right down to the connections. Sony have maintained the same for all three generations of Playstation. But Nintendo still completely abandoned the Gamecube soon after the Wii was launched. Zelda was a token last major release on both systems, and that was about it for the Gamecube.

    Look at how much more developers have managed to get out of the PS2 in the last couple of years. Some of the recent games have looked amazing and far removed from the earlier titles on the system. As a system matures developers get to know them inside out, and can finally utilise all of their power. I bet there was much more in the original Xbox had developers had more time to continue with it.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

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