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Thread: Elite Dangerous

  1. #1
    Amiga PT user VIP
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    Elite Dangerous

    Some days ago, someone talked about Elite Dangerous, i think it was Harrison.

    I bought it, back when it was first released. I liked Elite frontiers, so i bought the new one.
    I played for may 30 hours and didn't play anymore. The game was ok, nice graphics, i remember docking in those space stations was very cool. I did some mining, but i don't know, something was missing, and i got bored after some hours.
    I tried to play online, but i was killed 3 times in a row, in less then 10 minutes, i gave up. I don't like on-line games, and this game was the same.
    But i still receive the newsletters, i confess i don't read them much. I know that you can now land on planets (payed dlc...).
    So are playing it? Did you play it? The new landing on planets is good?
    What can you do now compared to the first release?
    What can you do in the game, excluding the buy/sell/mining ?
    I remember that you could transport passengers, getting some missions.... i don't remember well, does it have a main plot?
    Should i gave it a try?
    And what about the specs? My laptop is not the best, but i could play, does the new features demand more power?
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  2. #2
    Wiseguy Staff Moderator
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    I still play for a few weeks every now and then, last time was back in february.

    The game has been greatly expanded in some ways since release, but in a lot of ways it plays quite similar. There is stuff to do in the game, but the game isn't very good at nudging you towards these things. You're still basically just dropped into the universe and expected to find things to do on your own. I always tell people that it's probably best if you enjoy flying around in a fairly realistic spaceship in and of itself. If the flying around is the boring bit between the interesting content then Elite probably isn't for you.

    There's been several expansions, yes. Some of it require the Horizons update, such as landing on planets and driving around on them with a buggy. That has expanded the gameplay a bit, but you can only land on planets without atmospheres for now. So they tend to all look the same. Atmospheric landings will come at a later unannounced date.

    I don't care much for the multiplayer either. Elite isn't the worst game when it comes to griefers and trolling, but it's in open play you find them. Especially around the starting systems. Frontier has said that there's something like only 20% of the players that play in open, the rest are either in solo or in a PvE group. The biggest group is Mobius, which anyone can join. There are no gameplay mechanics that prevent PvP in a group, so every now and then a griefer will join to create havoc. But it's very unlikely it'll happen to you if you play in one. So if you want to see other players but would rather not be shot at by them, join Mobius. Here's their website.

    The specs for the base game haven't changed much I think, but if you get Horizons then the planetery landings and surface generation is probably a little more demanding. I play with a 970 card and can run this game on ultra settings in 1080p/60Hz just fine. If that helps.

    Passenger transport has been added yes, but that is Horizons content. Very recently a multicrew update was added to Horizons as well, that allows several players to be in the same ship taking up helm and gunner roles. How many physical seats a ship's cockpit has is what decides how many players can be on the same ship.

    Every time Horizons get an update the base game is updated with some of the new content as well, like the new ships and the new basic features and changes. So it is still updated even if you don't have Horizons. And I'm pretty sure that when the next major paid update comes along, then the base game will be updated to Horizons at no cost. I'm not 100% certain though. The paid updates work like season passes. For example, the base game came out and was then updated to v1.1, v1.2, v1.3 and v1.4 at no additional cost. Then came Horizons which is v2.0 that you have to pay for. This has then been updated to v2.1, v2.2 and recently v.2.3 at no additional cost. Each of these updates have added major features. There will be a v2.4 update as well before the next v3.0 paid update comes along. And like I said the base game is still updated for free with the minor features that are introduced, so the base game is up to either v1.7 or v1.8 by now. So it seems you can be a season behind with the game without ever having to pay more. Again, I'm not 100% sure about this. But it may be that I just saw speculation about this, the reasoning was that in the future after v3.0 and even v4.0 comes out, will Frontier be interested in maintaining four different builds of the game, for nothing? Probably not. Easier to just update the older ones to the one before the current one, or at least stop updating the old ones and offer the previous season at a very low price.
    Last edited by Teho; 29th April 2017 at 20:37.

  3. #3
    Amiga PT user VIP
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    Thanks for the info Teho!
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  4. #4
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    I've also continued to play it on and off since launch and still enjoying it. Without Horizons it's definitely very similar in gameplay to Frontier. But with the expansion you do get a lot more. Another addition not mentioned above is engineering, which I've not tried yet, but I understand you can eventually build your own ships.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

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