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Thread: Happy New Year

  1. #1
    Retro Addict Administrator
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    Burger Time Champion, Sonic Champion Harrison's Avatar
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    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year everyone.

    I hope you all managed to have a great Christmas and see family and friends.

    Did you get any nice gaming or retro gifts?

    My only one was to my self as I finally managed to get a PS5. Other than that it was mainly clothes, some books etc.

    My Christmas didn't quite go to plan. Had everything going well Christmas morning. Had a Gammon slow cooking all night. The Turkey was in really early. I had the house cleaned and the table laid. Last job before my parents arrived was to cut some wood for the log burner. And I put my back out. Was in really bad pain the rest of the day, but still managed to have a great day. Back pain didn't ease up until the 28th though.

    Then boxing day my wife had a positive lateral flow test and a follow up positive pcr test on the 27th, so we had to cancel our plans for my birthday on the 28th to visit my parents. Great! So wife was ill in bed. And my parents had to self isolate. Then on the 28th Mother-in-law said she had been ill in bed for a day. We told her to do a lft and that was positive. And she is still in bed ill today.

    Then New Years Eve I get a positive lft. Did a follow up pcr on Sarurday and came back positive yesterday. So I have to isolate now until the 10th Jan. What fun. Thankfully not too bad so far. Aching muscles, cough and a bit of a headache. Think the booster vaccine has helped.

    Anyway, really hoping 2022 is a far better year then 2021.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

  2. #2
    ELITE Kin Hell's Avatar
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    Happy New Year all.

    Yeah H, sounded like you & your family were having a tough time over Xmas. - We didn't go anywhere & still felt like cr4p. I'd gotten a chest infection, that seemed to clear, then came back with a vengeance after my 3rd booster jab. I've been talking Amoxicillin to try & combat it as after having a swollen gland thing after ending up with an ulcer under my tongue just behind my front bottom teeth. Winning so far but occasionally, still coughing muck.

    Since Xmas Eve, 6 work colleagues have gown down with Covid so I'm definitely wearing a mask from Jan 4th.

    Got a helluva new computer & had all the bits here except the Water-block for the CPU. It's based on a high end Z690 build with Dual GTX 1080 Ti's.

    2022 has got to be a better year for all of us. - I'll raise a glass for all of you on Friday 07/01/22.

    Hoping to be building the new Rig. - Happy New Year!
    Getting 0ld0r is mandatory - Growing up is just an option.

  3. #3
    Retro Addict Administrator
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    Burger Time Champion, Sonic Champion Harrison's Avatar
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    I've been wanting to build a new rig for ages, but not at current prices of GPUs. Happy sticking with my i7 at the moment. Really liking the sound of the new Intel CPUs, although not much point if I can't get a current GPU without selling my car.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

  4. #4
    ELITE Kin Hell's Avatar
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    Aye. - I drew the line after blowing £3200. - No Gfx cards either.....
    Getting 0ld0r is mandatory - Growing up is just an option.

  5. #5
    C64 addict Staff Moderator
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    I was in Finland for the whole time, just came back this morning. Everything was fine, getting my booster only next week, so far no COVID case in my close family.

    Got some clothes for Christmas, it's quite difficult to by anything foe me anyways So I'm happy about getting underwear, pj's and socks from Armani. Plus I got some new perfume and a Bille Beino pullover. Bought an Apple watch for my girlfriend.

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