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  1. #1
    Wiseguy Staff Moderator
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    Super Stardust HD

    Yup, Stardust is back! It was released last friday on the PS3 network, for a measly £5. How could I not download this one!

    There's been made several changes to the good old game we remember though. So much it really feels like a different game alltogether, even though it is by the same developer.

    First of all, the tunnel sections and special missions are gone. Big loss really, those were some really enjoyable sections in the original. And most other things have changed too, different control scheme, different weapons, even a different play-area.

    That's the first thing you'll notice, the play-area is no longer the static 2D screen where you could exit on one side and come out the other. Instead, the action is now on a sphere, encompassing a planet. Which looks very different, but doesn't really change the gameplay idea at all. You still only move in 2 dimensions, and if you keep going in one direction you do end up where you started after a few seconds.

    The control scheme is altered too, not the traditional asteroids rotate and shoot controls. Instead it's now the dual-stick control where you can shoot in any direction regardless of which way you're flying. Which really is a good thing, because as hectic as the gameplay in the original was it is even more so in this game. The play-area is larger, so there are more asteroids. There are a LOT more asteroids! And enemies. And if that wasn't enough, the asteroids collide with eachother now, breaking up and changing directions because of it. You are constantly on the verge of being overwhelmed, which definitely is half the fun in this title. It's very satisfying to be able to survive phase after phase, each time just barely making it, getting even closer to that new high-score.

    You have some good weaponry to destroy the asteroids with though. Only three this time, and none are from the original games. And, there are three types of asteroid. And guess what; each wepaon is efficient against one type of asteroid. Fortunately you always have all three and can change between them quickly with the shoulder buttons. The trick is you need to power them up through pickups, and these at least work somewhat like they did in the original. They keep changing, so it is vital to know which weapon you need to power up at the moment and get the right one in order to make it in this game.

    You also have bombs, which you never have enough of. These clear the immediate area around you. And you also have a limited but recharging boost, with which you can crash straight through any obstacles to get out of a tight spot. But often you just end up in a new spot just as tight.

    The game really looks and sounds great though, with music in a similar but not quite the same style as the old games. The asteroids look great, smaller chunks breaking off the large ones convincingly in the spot you hit them, instead of just being split in half. And even though sometimes there are literally hundreds of small rocks in the gameplay area all colliding and breaking up, the game maintains a rock-solid framerate even at the full 1080p resolution.

    So in the end, I think this really is a fun game that you guys definitely ought to have look at when you get your PS3s. It costs virtually nothing anyway. I don't think this is as good as the original games was, but still it is definitely one of the best games available on the PS network right now.

  2. #2
    Retro Addict Administrator
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    Sounds like it could be fun. I will definitely grab a copy once I eventually get a PS3.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

  3. #3
    Harmless Inactive Member
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    Was wondering why you didn't get one yet.... the Clan needs you!

  4. #4
    Retro Addict Administrator
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    I've mostly been holding off because I don't yet have an HDTV. I'm planning at the start of the new year to invest in a new TV, plus a Sky HD box and a PS3.

    It is however very tempting to buy a PS3. I walked past one the other day and my hands were already moving towards the box before I realised! But I have some PS2 and PC games I want to play before I get into the PS3.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

  5. #5
    ELITE Staff Member
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    Man that looks very nice! Im thinking I need that...
    Check out my blog -

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