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  1. #1
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    F1 Codemasters 2010 - i bought it - here you have some videos i put on youtube

    F1 Codemasters 2010 - finally I have it !!!
    The game is so so so good, graphics are the best i saw so far for a car game.

    Weather effects are really nice.
    I just got it today so i have only 10 minutes of play.

    I record it with my phone. Image of the movies is quite good (for a phone)
    Sorry but no audio, dont know why, but at 640x480 my phone dont record the sound well.


    Spa Francorchamps - rain !!! Look as it rains just a litle and then starts to rain more. quite good, the movie maybe not give you the right feeling but it's very good.

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  2. #2
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    That does look really impressive. Graphically on a par with some of the most recent PC racers. Not sure if its PC release date is the same as the PS3, but it is tempting.

    BTW, watching the videos I'm assuming you have all the driver aids active, as well as no collision damage? Especially Monaco!

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

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    it was the first laps, so i didnt remove any help, only brakes and track lines assist.
    I dont have a steering wheel, so it's not easy with the controller.
    today i will start to get on the game starting with changing the wings and gears to see how the car reacts.

    Monaco is fantastic, it gives you a great feeling.

    One thing it's very nice is that in other games, when it's raining its always the same. Here you can have a bit of rain or a lot of rain, and you see the diference, and on the track,
    with few rain, parts of the track have water, while other parts are dry... the car looks the handle different on the more wet surfaces... very very good.
    Complete different game. It was a big step forward in car games.... GT5 should be another huge step.
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  4. #4
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    I bought the PC version of the game myself and while the graphics and effects are top notch, I would wait until a patch is released before buying it... MANY bugs in the game.. We are all used to bugs on new releases but this one is over the top in my opinion. MANY bugs, but here are a few of the major ones I have personally seen...

    The worst bug so far is a pit stop bug that makes you wat until every car is finished before letting you leave the pits.. In F1, a good stop is about 4 seconds or so.. My first stop was 29 seconds and set me back from 4th. place to dead last.. They MUST fix this asap.

    A few other bugs include crossing the line in 5th place and getting credit for winning the race.. (WTF ???)
    Laptimes are often completely impossible and seldom indicative of your performance... PC will sometimes crash on saving the game losing all information and requiring you to restart the season.

    WAY too many penalties for questionable infractions. I am accused CONSTANTLY of cutting the track when i definitely am not. I make a clear pass and get hit by the AI car and I am penalized for the collision. Run off the track to avoid a crash in front of me and get penalized. Run into a crash cause by someone else, get hit from behind and I get penalized... They need to fix these issues as well..

    Codemasters got themselves caught up in the rush to get this game to market and it has really bit them in the ass due to these bugs. some of them are so blatant that it is very obvious that very little testing was actually done for this game and that is unfortunate. Codemasters have taken the exact opposite approach that Blizzard did with Starcraft 2. Blizzard said "Shut up and we will release it when it is READY" and they released an excellent game with few issues... Codemasters (and most software companies today) need to weigh the advantages of early release with the bad press and ill will caused by releasing the software without proper and comprehensive testing. It is a shame as the game looks and feels great..

    If they put together a good patch, this is a solid racing game and it is already very fun to play, but with it in it's current state I cannot recommend it.. .Yet..

    ---------- Post added at 09:47 ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 ----------

    OK, I tried to edit my previous post to add the following but for whatever reason the edit failed 3 times... (Oh well)

    TIAGO: I hope I did not offend you with the review above as I greatly enjoy this game too! I did want to make sure that everyone understood; however, that the game does have some major issues at this time. (checking the Codemasters forum there is a thread to track bugs and it is over 105 pages long! obviously not every entry is a new bug, but the sheer volume of responses clearly shows the anger that is being directed at Codemasters due to this release and it's issues.)

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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by outlawal2 View Post
    OK, I tried to edit my previous post to add the following but for whatever reason the edit failed 3 times... (Oh well)
    There is a bug in the forum software at the moment (ironic considering the mention of bugs in this game), which doesn't always let you quick edit an existing post. It will hang when trying to save with the spinning saving icon and never completes. Instead, at the moment to edit a post, edit it, but then click the Go Advanced button. Once edited it will save correctly from there.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

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    A lot of PC games always contain a fair few bugs, and there will always be arguments from gamers asking questions about why they released it unfinished and didn't wait until it was completely bug fixed. The problem with an F1 game is that they needed to release it during the 2010 F1 season to secure maximum sales, so they had to get the game out. It sounds from your post that there are a few annoying ones for sure, but hopefully they will be fixed soon. All software always has its bugs, look at Vista! At least these days console owners have the same support from developers as PC owners and can receive patches for their games to fix them. That is a big plus for having systems online.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

  7. #7
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    The worst bug so far is a pit stop bug that makes you wat until every car is finished before letting you leave the pits.. In F1, a good stop is about 4 seconds or so.. My first stop was 29 seconds and set me back from 4th. place to dead last.. They MUST fix this asap.
    Yes, this was the first but i saw...

    I also find some penaltys not far, but not so much.

    A few other bugs include crossing the line in 5th place and getting credit for winning the race.. (WTF ???)
    Laptimes are often completely impossible and seldom indicative of your performance... PC will sometimes crash on saving the game losing all information and requiring you to restart the season.
    That did not happend with me yet...

    When i said it was very good, it was a first impression. So far i did around 70 laps in several races and in PS3 version i am liking a lot :-) sure thera are things to repair/update, but i think is quite good.

    some very nice things i found so far:
    - whan it's raining but it getting over with less and less rain the track starts to have a dry line of trajectory, cars have much better grip in that "line".
    - you can feel difference when it's just raining a bit or the track is not with much water in using rain tyres or intermediate. rain tyres when the track has very few water gives you a less grip, and you fell more "confortable" in intermediate. Or when you try to move on slicks but the track is not totally dry, when you catch bit of water the car looses grip. This weather relation i found to be very cool.
    - you can see understeer and oversteer effects

    not so good thinks:
    - no telemetry, like the microprose series... this would be the best thing it could have, but it doesn't. :-(
    - you dont see a direct change in your car when you set a different setup like wings, suspension. There is a difference, and you can feel it, but is not so visible as GP series(microprose)
    - when you get into the pit, and you driving in the pit lane, it doesn't make a smooth transiction from the pit lane the place where you stop the car. It looks like he is passing without stoping and in the last second he does a 90ª angle right and then left to stop the car... :-( this is the most ridiculous thing in the game ....

    but i still think is quite good. And as outlawal2 said with some patchs it is going to be great.
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    Interesting that the PS2 appears to have very good rain modeling whereas the PC is not so good... The rain effects look incredible adn are as realistic as I have ever seen, but the effects on the handling (On the PC) needs work. Often I can lap just as fast in the rain as I did in the dry.. Little to no effect. I have also ran slicks in the rain with zero detrimaental effects... Other times no rain effect at all and then all of a sudden the car is undrivable. VERY FRUSTRATING to get to the last lap of a wet race and then the handling absolutely DISAPPEARS and you can't even keep the car on the track. I was winning a race and on the last lap had 3 accidents in a row because the car suddenly became undrivable in the rain.

    Anyway, it appears they are going to provide a patch and if they fix the more glaring issues this game will be great. If they manage to fix them all it will be stellar!
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    Racing games have to be some of the most complex of any to get the gameplay just right. With something like a FPS it is more the gamer fully controlling the movement, but with a car (or any vehicle) it involves having to emulate the physics, weight, motion, g-force, weather conditions, friction, grip, torque etc There is a lot to get right and they were bound to miss some bugs.

    I'm just glad to see another official F1 game released. It has been quite some time since a decent one has come along.

    And on the PC until now GP4 was unmatched. I'm wondering if this will finally do so, once patched. However GP4 can still give newer games a run for their money, especially once it has had the updates and graphics patches applied. I installed in on my current gaming system and was blown away by how good it still looked and played. And because the game engine is now a few years old it runs very smoothly and fast on current systems with all graphical effects turned up. I do keep meaning to get a decent steering wheel though as I'm sure the experience would be even better. At the moment I tend to play with an Xbox 360 controller.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

  10. #10
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    Often I can lap just as fast in the rain as I did in the dry..
    not with me, so far at rain the lat times are far away from dry.

    when looking at lap chart, my times dont show the 3th sector as other cars... ??
    when in pratice section most drivers ony do a single lap, so 3th sector dont count (?) but i do a full lap and still dont show, only 2nd and 3th sector...

    other stange thing is that during a season by the 4th race, i am racing by lotus, they gave me an abjective of finnish at 12th.... come on... lotus? 12th? it was my 4th race... rookey... 12th.... hello?!
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