Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Nasa use Amigas?
Puni/Void 15:21 21st August 2007
Sadly I don't know of any companies that are currently using Amigas.

Btw.. The Norwegian TV-channel called TV 2 used Amiga 4000's for a wide range of tasks.
v85rawdeal 09:20 23rd August 2007
I think the most famous use of Amigas was the bank of them, fitted with toasters, that were used for Season one of Babylon 5. Mind you, Amigas were also used on ST: TNG and Seaquest: DSV to name but a few.
Harrison 12:03 23rd August 2007
And don't forget the London Transport Museum which used specially adapted CD32's to run all of their interactive displays. And that was responsible for the invention of the SX-1 expansion.