Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: [PC] Legend of Grimrock
Shoonay 12:17 5th October 2012
The editor is out and the price dropped to 50%

(watch to the end! )

Mods are slowly getting uploaded to, someone is already remaking DM1 and EOB
Harrison 13:56 5th October 2012
I'm really looking forward to the EOB mod. One of my favourite games of all time, so will be great to replay it updated with Grimrock graphics.

Also as Shoonay mentions, if you buy Legend of Grimrock directly from the maker it is currently half price for another 2 days, so is just $7.49 (£4.62), which is a bargain. Buying directly also gives you access to the direct standalone download, and a steam key so you have the option to download and install the game as it is, or add the game to your steam account and allow steam to auto update the game for you, plus you get the Steam achievements, in game chat etc.
Harrison 22:30 26th November 2012
Some great news for those you whom have not played this great game yet. Legend of Grimrock is currently on sale on Steam as part of the daily autumn sale for just £2.99, so grab it within the next 42 hours!
Teho 13:56 20th September 2014
So is anyone ready for the sequel? Legend of Grimrock 2 is out on October 15 for $23.99, and you can preorder it allready for 15% off. This time your party is stranded on an island. This means there is a large outdoor section now, with several smaller crypts and shrines to crawl about in as well as a vast underground network of caves where I'm guessing the bulk of the game takes place. Looks fantastic, can't wait to get my hands on it!

Harrison 20:19 21st September 2014
Very nice.

I still have to complete the first one before getting this though!
Demon Cleaner 22:19 15th October 2014
Legend of Grimrock 2 is out.