Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Merry Christmas 2023
Harrison 10:47 29th December 2023
So did anyone get any nice presents from Christmas? Anythung retro?

My wife bought me a few things.

1, A Pacman ghost desktop light that cycles through the different ghost colours, or can interact with music. I've wanted one of those for a while so that was nice.

2, One of those cheap handheld retro game systems. It's really nasty and she admitted it was a bit rubbish. The plastic shell and feel of the controls are not great and the really small colour screen isn't great. But the worst thing is the sound which is really loud and high pitched. It has the ability to plug into a TV and comes with a seperare controller for player 2 when used with the TV. The second controller looks like a NES pad with extra buttons, but the plastic and buttons are worse then the main console.

When you start it the menu asks if you want Chinese or English every time you boot up, thrn you have a menu of 400 games in pages of 10 games. There's no way to organise them and they are not in any sort of order. You have to scroll through the pages from 1 every time. It does at least have proper arcade games on it and not Chinese clones. I've had a quick play of Double Dragon, Pacman, Space Invaders, Galaga etc. All ran fine, but really hard to play as the controls are so bad. I've seen these handhelds for sale on a lot of sites and they only cost £5-8 so fun for the price.

3, A mini Pacman arcade cabinet. One of those really small ones with an LCD screen and mini controls. Sadly I'd was dead when I put batteries in it so we have to return it to the shop.

Also got the yearly Star Wars socks, pants and T-Shirts, jeans and trousers etc and some chocolates.