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Thread: IMF
Tiago 16:33 26th October 2012
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I think the only way the European Union will ever work correctly would be to form a central government and make each country in Europe a State of a country called Europe. However I can't see that ever happening as each country has such diverse cultures, languages and unique identities that they would never agree to merge into a larger whole. And I can see their point fully, although in logical reality the only way to evolve is for countries to remove the borders and become one.
I think that it could be a good solution, each country has their own culture, sure, but you can keep that. You have different cultures inside the same country.... North and South of many countries are very different. A common government could work. You could have a central administration and then local as well. Salaries and taxes could be equal to every country or state if you remove borders.
Taxes collected would go to a center state that would deliver them equally to all states. Laws would have to me equal to.
But sure that would be very hard to put in practice. and the big "man that you don't know who they are" would not like the idea.
It is good for the "man with power" to have week economies so they can "play" with.

But a very important note is that Portugal and Greece are in this situation mainly because of their own errors/corruption/bad decisions.
Only a small part of their problems can be credit to others.
Harrison 23:32 26th October 2012
The UK's problems were completely down to the corrupt banking system mostly, but also our last government borrowing more and more money until something had to give. The banks got away with pretty much everything, when in reality they should be responsible for a large percentage of the crisis and should have sorted it all out using their own money, no needing the government to find the money to fix it for them, which obviously means that had to come out of our taxes.

And yes I agree, unstable economies and governments are very desirable to the rich at the top of society, as they want to manipulate the economy, stock market and government spending/policies to their advantage. Remove trading borders and they lose a lot of their power, bring trade level across the whole EU. In reality this should of happened when the Euro was created, but it went wrong because each member state kept their own economy locked within their own borders, meaning the whilst the value of the Euro was constant, what you could buy with it varied greatly from country to country. A central government would eliminate that completely and all member states would be paying the same for everything. It is how Europe should have been working from the beginning. It's a mess and none of them will agree to anything that reduces the power in any individual country.

I suppose you can see the point of view in countries like Germany where their economy is very strong and individually they are worth most than a lot of the other countries put together. Desolve borders and they would lose their financial centre and the power to gives them to dictate European policy and sway decision.
Kin Hell 21:05 4th November 2012
Step back away guys.... This is the darker side....
Harrison 23:56 4th November 2012
Far darker to ignore politics.
Kin Hell 12:51 6th November 2012
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Far darker to ignore politics. your opinion, of course.
Harrison 22:47 6th November 2012
Everything we do and anything relating to current affairs is linked to it. Even moaning about the price of fuel, or the rubbish broadband infrastructure is political.
Kin Hell 11:56 7th November 2012
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Everything we do and anything relating to current affairs is linked to it. Even moaning about the price of fuel, or the rubbish broadband infrastructure is political.
....but only if you let it become such dribble.