Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Snow
Harrison 16:20 3rd February 2009
OK typo. I meant Monday night.

And we used to have a lot more snow every year in the south too. I remember one year in the late 70's having enough to make an igloo in the front garden!
Tiago 17:18 3rd February 2009
In Lisbon? That would be a nice!
Stephen Coates 19:44 3rd February 2009
We got a nice amount. Still not enough, but much more than we have had in previous years. To get an idea, here are some photos that I took at 2:30am on Monday:

And here is the same place on monday evening:

I went for a walk on monday and took these: - Bawtry Road (dual carriageway) - Herringthorpe Woods

Of course, most of the schools and colleges shut early, as did a lot of businesses. My Mum only got back from her skiing holiday on monday and couldn't see what the fuss was about as she has just spent the last week in several feet of snow.

Some of the snow is disappearing now but it will remain icey for a while as here in Rotherham we have lows of -2 for the next few days (source: Met Office).

Luckily transport hasn't been affected too badly here, not like it was in London anyway, but I will definately be walking to college (about 4 miles) just to be on the safe side. I am completely against this idea of everywhere closing and not going anywhere just because of small amounts of snow, and I therefore wouldn't want to risk being late due to snow delaying the busses.

Not that that will make much difference on thrusday anyway as the University and College Lecturers union is on strike on thrusday, meaning that instead of being in college from 9am till 7pm we only have to go in for the first hour (some teachers arn't on strike). On thrusday we are mixed with the people who do the part time version of our course and most of them drive cars from Sheffield, so I would like to see how many of them make it in on time.
Harrison 00:55 4th February 2009
You might be getting a lot of snow on Thursday Steve. Just on the weather they said that more snow will be coming from the north, falling on Scotland on Wednesday, and a different lot of snow will be coming from the south falling on the coast, but by Wednesday these will both be moving in to the middle of the country and converging, producing a double amount of snow. So Yorkshire might be in for a load of snow!

It snowed again here today, but it still looks about the same. The earlier snow melted a bit, but the new slow replenished it. We are however forecast to get more tonight.
Submeg 04:33 4th February 2009
MMM snow. I need to go back to some, good stuff