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Thread: My personal projects
AlexJ 12:42 6th September 2007
I'd say Java would be suitable for the die-based game. It's basically a random number generator with some maths to do the values. Doing it in Java would make it fairly easy to port to mobile phones.
Submeg 12:48 6th September 2007
Yea I guess it would. I have tried it in C and almost cracked it, but it fell over in a couple places. Would have to touch up on my Java skills.

Sounds good to market, but first need a working copy
Harrison 12:54 6th September 2007
That would be a great idea. Have it running on mobile phones would definitely be a big hit with football fans. I could imagine many people playing that on their way to a match. Nice idea Alex.

Taking it even further you could implement mobile networking via bluetooth so that two players competing in a match could play against each other via their mobiles. That way, anyone could challenge any though mobile user to a game and have their match results to hand on their own mobile. And even upload their results via WAP to their account on the main site.

I know this is getting away from the initial paper and dice game idea. But could be a good expansion to the idea and could work really well, while not needing much processing power so most mobiles would easily be able to run it. Just create some nice football graphics to make it look nice.

With the player value based on goals scored you could even introduce a player transfer system like a card game so that players could exchange their players with other players teams to build a better team.

One thing I noticed in your initial rules is that although you have a player worth system in place, there is no benefit or advantage to it. Therefore I think you would need to add a luck factor into this to increase the change of a goal when a player who is worth more is taking the goal. So if you had a play who is worth £10M taking the shot then they might have more luck than a player only worth £1M. Therefore this could add an extra change to the dice roll so that player will score if they roll a 1 or 6 as usual, but in addition if the player rolls a 2 they get another shot at the goal (that way it wouldn't make it quite so easy to score). But rolling another 2 wouldn't give then another chance. Good idea? This would make a good reason for having the player value system on the game.
Submeg 12:59 6th September 2007
Yes, Im liking these ideas. I know that there is no benefit for having more expensive players, but I was planning on introducing that feature later, but atm nothing going, so dont want it too complex just yet. Im liking that card/ player transfer system. That would be cool. You could use real players from world soccer, or use imaginary players. Most of my player names are from Theme Hospital.
AlexJ 13:17 6th September 2007
Just a quick point on using real players and clubs - you can't (legally) do that without a licence. You'll have to have slightly modified PES style names ("David Buckham" and "Mark Vikuda") and just use city names instead of the full club titles.
Harrison 13:35 6th September 2007
Similar to Sensible Soccer! Now how cool would that be. A retro Sensible Soccer version of the game.
Submeg 23:32 6th September 2007
Oh wow! That would be really cool!! I could do that. Which version should I use? I also have the one on PS2 so that is up to date. Also, what do I have to download to use Java, I've forgotten
AlexJ 00:01 7th September 2007
Originally Posted by Submeg:
Also, what do I have to download to use Java, I've forgotten
The J2SE SDK and an IDE (Netbeans or whatever you're used to using)