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Thread: CD to wav?
Submeg 01:50 19th August 2007
Is there a program I can use that will allow me to rip from cd straight to wav? because I have Windows media player, but that only allows me to rip to lossless wma and my music software doesnt recognise wma and I then have to convert to wav...
Harrison 01:53 19th August 2007
Submeg 06:22 19th August 2007
Cool, I also found AudioGrabber
FOL 11:24 19th August 2007
Originally Posted by Submeg:
Cool, I also found AudioGrabber
Not that I have tried, but i would have thought WinAMP would do this.
J T 11:46 19th August 2007
I'm a fan of DB Poweramp myself.

I'm also pretty sure you can set (some) versions of WMP to rip to WAV, but I haven't used it to rip for ages I have to admit.
FOL 12:18 19th August 2007
Originally Posted by J T:
I'm a fan of DB Poweramp myself.

I'm also pretty sure you can set (some) versions of WMP to rip to WAV, but I haven't used it to rip for ages I have to admit.
Thats what I thought, I remember ripping to WAV with WMP, but aint tried with new WMP.
Submeg 13:43 19th August 2007
Yea never got into WinAMP.....don't know why. But I now have it working so its sweet!
Harrison 15:49 19th August 2007
I used to use WinAMP all the time years ago, but then I built a new system a few years ago and WinAMP caused some kind of bad hardware instability and would instantly crash the whole system when you tried to load it. So I stopped using it and haven't touched it since.

Now for audio playback I used MediaMonkey which is a great music library application, and for audio ripping I use CDex which directly supports the Lame MP3 Encoder, and can also use WinAMP plugins!

I've never tried DB PowerAMP. Isn't it a commercial application? The great thing about CDex and MediaMonkey is you can use them for free!
Submeg 22:45 19th August 2007
I remember back in the day when everyone would go on about winamp...I was and still think meh, if you have any software its all the same really
J T 09:30 20th August 2007
Originally Posted by Harrison:
I used to use WinAMP all the time years ago, but then I built a new system a few years ago and WinAMP caused some kind of bad hardware instability and would instantly crash the whole system when you tried to load it. So I stopped using it and haven't touched it since.

Now for audio playback I used MediaMonkey which is a great music library application, and for audio ripping I use CDex which directly supports the Lame MP3 Encoder, and can also use WinAMP plugins!

I've never tried DB PowerAMP. Isn't it a commercial application? The great thing about CDex and MediaMonkey is you can use them for free!
It used to be completely free, but now you have to pay for the MP3 codec, which is a great shame. The reason they gave was something to do with a licence fee and some possible lawsuit - don't know if that was just an excuse. But.... well....

I use media monkey after your recommendation, it's very good. For some reason I have never got into winAMP either.
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