Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Weight training
Harrison 09:51 10th August 2007
This week, after the thread about the sports we play, and used to play, it prompted me to start weight training again. I used to do weight training at home on my own equipment nearly every day and within a couple of months managed to get quite fit and feeling much better about myself. It also really helped my Asthma. I kept this up for about 3 years, but then I pretty much gave up completely due to working strange hours and not having access to any exercise equipment at the weekends, but mostly because laziness set in. Anyone who has done regular exercise will know that you need to force yourself to stick to a routine because if you miss it for a few days it can be very hard getting the motivation to start again.

But I've now decided to start again and so have dusted off all of my weights and other gym equipment and began again yesterday.

As you can imagine, being the first session after doing none at all for a long time was quite a killer. I first worked out the weight sizes, which are far smaller than I was using before obviously as I need to work my way back up to that level. But it already felt great after the first workout and I'm definitely going to force myself to continue each day.

The equipment I'm using includes a rowing machine, free weights, a weight training bench, and a sit-ups bench.

So who else here still weight trains on a regular basis? And do you enjoy it?
Demon Cleaner 09:57 10th August 2007
Originally Posted by :
The equipment I'm using includes a rowing machine, free weights, a weight training bench, and a sit-ups bench.
Have you enough room to place the equipment? I would also buy such stuff, but unfortunately in an appartment you don't have enough space.

I bought a Kettler Cross Trainer last year, practised 4-5 a week during 3 month, and had to stop, as my back began to hurt again, and had to go to hospital for getting several injections. Then after doing some tests again, they also found out that I have arthrosis. So I quit all training.
Sharingan 10:13 10th August 2007
I rarely use weights nowadays, but instead, I choose to do a variety of bodyweight and plyometric exercises. The advantage of the latter is that 1) You obviously don't need extra equipment; and 2) You build endurance, as opposed to bulking up, which increases strength but doesn't necessarily help with stamina.

Since I practise martial arts, it's far more beneficial to me to have endurance rather than raw strength. Anyone would be able to own me in arm wrestling, for example.

I do enjoy the exercises, but it does take a lot of discipline to keep at it.
Submeg 11:56 10th August 2007
I'm doing weight training at the moment...I do an hour of weights at least three times a week and have started swimming twice a week at my gf's house. I have only done it for the past four weeks and so have only noticed a slight difference. I missed my last session of weights but I will do it tomorrow after work.
Harrison 13:27 10th August 2007
Originally Posted by Demon Cleaner:
Have you enough room to place the equipment? I would also buy such stuff, but unfortunately in an appartment you don't have enough space.
Yes, I have a spare bedroom that the equipment is in, although I have been considering moving the equipment into the garage as it can all fold up against the wall while the car is in there. Although it wouldn't be so great in the winter out there.
v85rawdeal 13:08 11th August 2007
The only weight lifting I do is when I stand up and have to support my belly so I can get my balance!

Cue Belly's Gonna Get Ya theme from the Reebok ads
toomanymikes 17:28 11th August 2007
I go to the gym about three times a week (recently its only been twice a week cos i feel lazy just now). I do a combo of cardio and free weights. I designed a cd cover for a band a few years back and the drummer used to be a bodybuilder so we used to go before work and stuck to his routine. It was intense but it really worked - i lost heaps of fat but my stamina and bulk went up. I still use his workout but im not as religious about going as i was. If your looking for good advice and descriptive weight training exercises you could do worse than lloking at - it has heaps of info. Hope this helps - i always feel better after a workout, no matter how intense it was.