Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Ars Technica aricle on history of the Amiga
v85rawdeal 22:39 2nd August 2007
MMMMmmmmm, nic.... *looks around, remembering where he is*

*cough cough* ow, that, er, sounds quite painful... maybe I will give it a miss!
Demon Cleaner 23:12 2nd August 2007
I always have a beard, but change beard form from time to time. But I never wear a full beard, as my skin is very dry and then it scratches too much, and that already after 3-4 days, as I have a very strong growing and very dense beard.
Teho 23:23 2nd August 2007
I've had that.. uh.. partial beard thing you can see on my pic for many years. Never shaved it off after I grew it. Only itches if I haven't trimmed it in a while, but otherwise it's not bothersome at all. Not interested in growing a full beard though, so it'll have to do for my Amiga beard!
Harrison 00:06 3rd August 2007
I did try growing a beard years ago, but a big patch of eczema developed to the side of my mouth which wasn't nice so I gave up and shaved it off.
Submeg 15:34 3rd August 2007
Dude, he's not growing a beard he seriously has a bear growing on his face! Look!

NB: This image is not photoshopped.

Also, that is nothing compared to this beard...

Demon Cleaner 15:42 3rd August 2007
Originally Posted by :
NB: This image is not photoshopped.
So what? Paintshopped
Submeg 15:43 3rd August 2007
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