Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: God listens to...
Demon Cleaner 14:49 30th July 2007
Nice find here.

Harrison 16:20 30th July 2007

Would have looked even better with the Slayer font though. Do they still use that on their covers? I used to love that and drew it on all by books at school and college.
Demon Cleaner 16:25 30th July 2007
They used always different fonts on their latest albums, you can check the discography at the BNR metal pages.
Harrison 21:46 30th July 2007
That is a shame. I wonder why they stopped using it. The last album I purchases was Undisputed Attitude. I have the newer ones but they are in "electronic" form.
Demon Cleaner 23:54 30th July 2007
Originally Posted by :
I have the newer ones but they are in "electronic" form.
Shame on you, you have to pay Araya and Co. so that they will be able to produce their next album. I don't care if you get Madonna in "electronic" form.
J T 20:11 31st July 2007
That's a nice touch, the sort of humour that I really dig.
LowercaseE 15:30 6th February 2008
Originally Posted by Harrison:
That is a shame. I wonder why they stopped using it.
I've wondered this myself, but then I take solace in the fact that the old logo, at least to me, represents what Slayer was really about before their downfall. The new, or should I say "nu", logo represents Slayer sucking.
Harrison 16:34 6th February 2008
Which was one reason I stopped paying for the albums! Their older material is great. I went to 3 of their concerts in the UK in the 80's and early 90's and had a great time at all of them. Don't think I would be so interested in going to one now.
LowercaseE 17:32 6th February 2008
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Which was one reason I stopped paying for the albums! Their older material is great. I went to 3 of their concerts in the UK in the 80's and early 90's and had a great time at all of them. Don't think I would be so interested in going to one now.
I still make it a point to check them out live if they're playing anywhere near me. After all, they still do play a lot of older material, and they play it quite well. Araya's vocals are obviously not what they used to be, but the music is as tight as ever. I just sit out the new stuff or use it as a bathroom break. A couple of years ago, right after Lombardo re-joined the band, they were touring and playing the entire "Reign in Blood" album from start to finish without taking a break. I was lucky enough to see them do it and I have to say I was floored. It was like going back in time 20 years to when they were at their prime! I have a hard enough time playing one or 2 songs in a row off of that one, let alone the WHOLE album!
Tiago 20:53 6th February 2008
Originally Posted by Demon Cleaner:
They used always different fonts on their latest albums, you can check the discography at the BNR metal pages.
BNR.... that is a fine metal website, so many hours i spent there...