Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Classicamiga Darwin Awards
Ghost 03:26 19th August 2007
Hello all,

Probably not as impressive as any of yours but I remember this as one of the most stupid things I have ever done.

It was a couple of years ago when I still lived with my mom, I just had finished an appointment and was heading to my car when I discovered a piece of paper under my windscreen wiper, as expected it was a ticket.

I don't really know exactly anymore what happened next but as the appointment had been rather disappointing too I was a bit miffed about it all when I drove back home.

Somewhere while driving I decided to check out the ticket again to see how much it was, I don't think it took very long but I suddenly realised with a shock what I was doing; driving on a speedway without keeping my eyes on the road.

Man, I was really angry on myself for doing something that stupid.
FOL 11:21 19th August 2007
Well, worst thing that has ever happened to me, was when i was 3. I really needed the toilet, and we were down a park close to where I live. I was running, got to toilet, tripped on first step and cracked my head open on the third.

Apparently, I just sat up and didnt move, i didnt even cry, and blood was pumping out everywhere. Luckly for me, a doctors surgery was 2 mins away. Stiched me up and I was all better. Best part is I didnt need the toilet after that, lol.
Submeg 14:30 19th August 2007
Nasty...cuts to the head bleed heaps
Demon Cleaner 06:32 21st August 2007
I was bitten into my lip when playing with a dog when I was 2-3 years old, but with 3 stitches it was patched again.

I had a box with crackers, eating one myself, giving one to the dog, then eating one again myself, aso. Then with the last cracker I played with the dog, and teased him all the time. Then I put the cracker into my mouth, and the dog of course wanted to snap it to, biting me in my lip. Luckily it was a small dog.

But I cannot remember it though, my mother told me. But when examining my lip, you can still see the scar, but only if you know it's there, otherwise you won't see. Well, it's over 30 years ago.
toomanymikes 12:17 21st August 2007
Update: Yesterday I was putting some stuff in the loft and i stood up within the pitched area, my back bounced off of the sarking boards (we use these in scotland to nail the tiles to) and a nail head went a good centemeter into my back. Wouldnt have been so bad but just seconds before I had said to my girlfriend "wouldnt it be sore if you fell against all of those" and pointed at the nails.
Teho 15:11 21st August 2007
"wouldn't it be stupid if you did that thing?" "yeah, sure would.." and two minutes later you go ahead and do it. Those are just the worst moments.

For my own part, without repeating the whole thing here there's that earlier story about me almost slicing a big chunk of finger off. That was a pretty stupid incident allright. It's healed pretty much allright by the way. I can't quite bend the finger fully, but it's not missing much so no big deal. And there'll be a scar of course, but it's not like I don't have a million of those on my hands and arms allready. That just goes with the territory.
Harrison 15:45 21st August 2007
Those are definitely the worst moments, straight after commenting on something and then doing exactly as you described.
FOL 17:59 21st August 2007
Originally Posted by toomanymikes:
Update: Yesterday I was putting some stuff in the loft and i stood up within the pitched area, my back bounced off of the sarking boards (we use these in scotland to nail the tiles to) and a nail head went a good centemeter into my back. Wouldnt have been so bad but just seconds before I had said to my girlfriend "wouldnt it be sore if you fell against all of those" and pointed at the nails.
You know what, i had forgotten about my loft incident.

I was looking for something, about 4 months ago. My son was asking question after question, so i said "come on enough already" with that i stood up (forgetting the TV aerial i had fitted). I felt a sharp stabbing pain on the left of my face and ear. Put my hand on it, and look at my hand. It was covered in blood, so i grab my ear and face and pushed hard to stop blood (as if it would, it was pumping out). I managed to clamber down the ladders and the stairs. Wife wondered what I was doing, so i pulled my hand away from my face. Next came the reply "Oh my god".

Turned out I had rammed my head into the blade of aerial (which was sharp as i knife). My wife waited on me hand and foot for days, . It was great, and luckly I have no scar of my face or ear, .

EDIT:- hope this makes sense, im tired.
toomanymikes 19:09 21st August 2007
You win!
FOL 19:44 21st August 2007
Originally Posted by toomanymikes:
You win!
Nice, what do a win,
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