Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Umbrella
v85rawdeal 13:53 25th July 2007
So, what you are basically saying, is that MySpace is for truly dedicated fad-fans...

My problem is I am so dedicated to all my fads, I don't have enough time to dedicate a web-page to them Does that mean I am not actually THAT dedicated???
Harrison 14:12 25th July 2007
I suppose the one good thing about myspace is that at least now the general public with no design or html coding skills can stick up a horrid page alongside all of the others in one central location, instead of us having to randomly be assulted by badly made fan sites via searching the internet.
J T 15:39 25th July 2007
Originally Posted by Stephen Coates:
Apart from a few nice people who I know from IRC, the only people that I really spoke to on MySpace were idiots from school who sent me messages saying that I'm a twat.
Seems a little harsh to me, those jerks should've just left you alone (unless you started it).
Harrison 16:14 25th July 2007
Sounds like a mild case of the MySpace school bullying that was reported in the news recently.
Stephen Coates 20:22 25th July 2007
They're just the same on MSN.

I don't class it as bullying though. They were more just annoying me. e.g. I can hardly report someone for bullying me at school just because they walked past me and called me a twat.

Even if they were doing this 'cyber-bullying' to me, or anyone else for that matter, the best way to stop it is to stop using the service. If you don't have a MySpace profile or an MSN address, they can't bully you with it.

On MSN, as soon as I blocked all the people that were being silly, they stopped. In fact, I have been even less annoyed by MSN since I stopped using it regulaly.
Harrison 23:58 25th July 2007
But that also means that in a way they have won. You were obviously using the online services for something, no matter how small, and their act of bullying you made you decide to stop using these services completely, so in a way they did get to you by forcing you to abandon these social networking services.

BTW, did anyone else see Facebook in the news today? Apparently two brothers and now claiming it was their idea while at university and another guy they went to school with used their idea to create Facebook. The legal system in the US isn't sure there is much ground to bring proceedings though as there is no evidence.
Stephen Coates 08:51 27th July 2007
Originally Posted by :
But that also means that in a way they have won. You were obviously using the online services for something, no matter how small, and their act of bullying you made you decide to stop using these services completely, so in a way they did get to you by forcing you to abandon these social networking services.
Was't really a problem for me because I didn't really use them anyway, but I suppose if I did, I could have always made another profile and kept it hidden from everyone who I didn't want to see it.

I have heard about FaceBook in the news, but havn't watched much about it.
Harrison 09:29 27th July 2007
But that is my point. If you had been using it a lot and their negative activities towards you forced you to have to delete your account and create another would mean their bullying had got to you and force you to take such drastic action.
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