Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Useless Amiga-related factoid No.1
v85rawdeal 14:22 7th September 2007
The Amiga was used to drive the 40-foot "Jumbotron" display (a 90 x 160 light bulb matrix) at Miami Stadium for the 1989 Superbowl.
FOL 21:04 8th September 2007
Originally Posted by Blue Jedi:
Here is the link to the UK Amiga CD32 advert i think it was Awsome.

The advert was very exspensive in fact it was one of the most exspensive Games adverts ever made.

It starts were a proffesor working for Amiga takes the Amiga rep to his secret Amiga inventing room to show the Amiga rep the new Amiga CD32 console that he has been working on.

He explains all the Amiag CD32 capabilities and then the Professor presses some buttons on his computer and a door opens on the floor and a very advance robot rises from the door. The Proffessor begins testing the the Amiga CD32 on the advanced robot. The robot starts playing the games and then the advert starts stating facts about the Amiiga CD32, cool graphics, 32 thousand colours the professor tries to stop the advanced robot playing the Amiga CD32 then advanced robot blows up.
Im with blue jedi on this 1, the ad was very cool.
Harrison 11:47 10th September 2007
Watching it now, it seems better than I remembered it. I still don't think it was a great advert thought. I didn't really show much of the CD32 or what it could do, and I think the big brained cyborg playing the game was a bit cheesy.

As for it being the most expensive gaming advert ever made. Hardly. I can't see it would have cost that much at all. Couple of TV actors, some flashing buttons and lights, dry ice and a robot/cyborg suit.
Demon Cleaner 11:58 10th September 2007
The advert is not bad, but the cyborg is indeed a bit out of place.
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