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Thread: PS3 Price Drop
Sharingan 10:14 1st August 2007
Originally Posted by Teho:
But who's counting?
You are?

My line of thought is: what's the point of having a job and making all that money if you're not going to spend it? Life's short ... enjoy it while you can.
Demon Cleaner 10:40 1st August 2007
I had several PS2 models, but only 1 year after its release, as usual. First one I bought wasn't modded, as there were no real mods out. Then I modded it with a Neo 2, but you had to have an original of a game, where the DVD was very full (in GB), games like GTA or DMC to swap with copies. Then I sold it and got a new one with a Sniper mod, which was the first direct boot mod, sold that one and got the one I have now with a DMS3. Lately I also bought a slim PS2 with a Matrix Infinity.
Blue Jedi 12:13 1st August 2007
Some intresting figures.

Did you know Xbox now has over 7 million members online thats a new member every 8 seconds since the last years E3.

Xbox 360 has sold more games than PS3 and Wii combined.

Did you know since november Xbox 360 3rd part games have craked the top 10 best seller list 18 times your wondering what the numbers look like on the PS3 and WII here they are 0 and nill for both. Since November consumers have spent 2.4 billion on Xbox 360 hardware and software and acessories this is as much as Wii and PS3 combined. That means half of consumer spending in this generation is on Xbox 360, Xbox 360 is driving the industry.
Harrison 12:32 1st August 2007
I think you listen too much to marketing spin from the direction of the big M$!
Sharingan 12:42 1st August 2007
Did you also know the Xbox 360 can bake chocolate chip cookies and cure AIDS? Oh, and obviously, Bill Gates is the one that is going to solve the problem of global warming.

Harrison 12:56 1st August 2007
Surely with the heat the 360 outputs it is the main cause of global warming!
Teho 13:14 1st August 2007
Originally Posted by Blue Jedi:
Did you know Xbox now has over 7 million members online thats a new member every 8 seconds since the last years E3.
Really? Good for them!

Originally Posted by :
Xbox 360 has sold more games than PS3 and Wii combined.
I have no doubt that it has. It has also been out a year longer than both of those systems. And the PS3 had a really slow start gameswise as well, there's no denying that. But sales are bound to pick up, the hardware sales has increased a lot since the price drop/rebundle and there are many highly anticipated titles coming over the next few months. Still it will probably take some time for it to catch up with the 360 game sales, if it ever does.

Originally Posted by :
Did you know since november Xbox 360 3rd part games have craked the top 10 best seller list 18 times your wondering what the numbers look like on the PS3 and WII here they are 0 and nill for both.
No, I didn't know that. But again I have no doubt, I don't know about the Wii but on the PS3 there hasn't been many topsellers since it's launch, and there probably aren't enough consoles sold yet to be able to sell enough games to make a top ten list. Again, this is turning around now but it is going to take a while. The market isn't going to turn around overnight.

Originally Posted by :
Since November consumers have spent 2.4 billion on Xbox 360 hardware and software and acessories this is as much as Wii and PS3 combined. That means half of consumer spending in this generation is on Xbox 360, Xbox 360 is driving the industry.
Again, good for them! I think what you fail to realise is that nobody here really cares about which system sells the most of this and that. Most of us will end up owning both of those systems and maybe even the Wii too. Even if the PS3 never outsells the 360 in any way, we are still excited about the features it has and the upcoming games for it. As we are for all systems! Though not all of us are getting all the systems, I think you'll find that we care little about what outsells what and more about what the system actually has to offer, and decide what to buy based on that.
Harrison 14:04 1st August 2007
Here here Teho.

I personally care little for actual system specs and how a system physically looks. What I care about are the actual games, regardless of the platform they are on. All three systems have games worth playing, and I will eventually even buy a Wii just to be able to play Zelda and Mario games! Both the PS3 and 360 will have a few exclusive titles and so if the games are good enough each will be worth while owning so they can be played.

One thing I do know is that spec wise the PS3 is more powerful than the 360, it can output higher resolution HD, and it has a huge advantage over the 360 in terms of optical storage (something that is already becoming an issue for developers on the 360). This may work against the 360 later but for now both systems are ticking along nicely.

As for sales and other figures, they mean little in reality. They all depend on which marketing team they were generated through, which sales charts they monitor, and many other aspects, so they are all very inaccurate and ofton hyped by the console's parent company so should not be believed beyond being used as a rough guestimate of how a system is doing.

But the fact that the PS3 has now sold close to 4 Million means it is already very successful in it's own right. Yes the 360 has sold more over the extra year it has enjoyed before the others came to market, and good for M$. Lets hope they all do well so we see more great games appearing across all three platforms. And don't forget the PC gaming market. It is far from dead!
AlexJ 14:06 1st August 2007
Originally Posted by Blue Jedi:
Did you know since november Xbox 360 3rd part games have craked the top 10 best seller list 18 times your wondering what the numbers look like on the PS3 and WII here they are 0 and nill for both. Since November consumers have spent 2.4 billion on Xbox 360 hardware and software and acessories this is as much as Wii and PS3 combined. That means half of consumer spending in this generation is on Xbox 360, Xbox 360 is driving the industry.
The current No.1 across All Platforms is Pokemon Diamond (DS). That just about says all I need to know about top-selling games and how they affect what I buy. Out of interest the No.2 is Transformers: The Game (PS2,PS3,360,Wii).
Demon Cleaner 14:08 1st August 2007
I don't want to get in between a 360 - PS3 conflict now, but the most complaints I hear from the 360 is the fact, that a lot of people had (and still have) to send back in their consoles for repair because of the famous Ring of Death. Enough for me not to buy one.
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