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Thread: PS3 Price Drop
v85rawdeal 17:42 28th July 2007
The answer is no, I don't have internet at my flat. Mainly because at the moment I can't afford it, and there aren't really many reasons for me to spend out on it...

It comes down to how I budget my money and what I spend it on.

I get some internet access at a friend's house, but it is too far to lug the PS3 round to all the time. So I just take my laptop there, and that is why most of my posts appear on a Thursday or a Saturday/Sunday.

Maybe if the price for the broadband packages drop, along with the price of electricity, then maybe I will consider it, but until then... *sigh*
Submeg 22:27 28th July 2007
Damn man I feel for you
Blue Jedi 09:54 29th July 2007
I got an Xbox 360 at christmas and I have not stop playing it since its awsome its much better than PS3 and almost £200 cheaper all the major and not so major developers have turned there backs on PS3 for good.

I also got a PS3 at launch and I am regreting getting it the only aswome game out for PS3 is Motorstorm its excellent other than that there is nothing worth buying for PS3 because all the best games appart from Home, Metal gear and Killzone 2 are on Xbox 360 as Exclusives.

And PS3 store is not totaly free you have to pay for alot of the games and the retro games and there are no free trials of them to try them before you buy. The only free demos are the ones like GT, Rub a dub, lemings, Ninja gadien.

I play my Xbox 360 and only use my PS3 to play Motorstorm and on fridays to check if sony have added anything new to the PS3 store all they add is trailers for games that have been released on Xbox 360 ages, and then they bulk the rest of the store out with Rocky trailers and old PS1 games.

Is anyone else regreting getting a PS3.
Teho 13:56 29th July 2007
No, I don't regret getting the PS3. You may do, and you're welcome to. But several of the things you state above are wrong, or just unfair. How exactly can you say that developers have turned their back on the PS3 for good? I have heard no such announcement from any developer at all, and I do pay attention to such news. All the major third-party developers are making PS3 titles, exclusives and non-exclusives alike. There has been rumours that some of Sony's exclusive developers was going to go multi-platform, but so far they have not been confirmed by anyone. Some have rather gone out and said that the rumour isn't true. But even if some developers choose to develop for other platforms as well, they still aren't abandoning the PS3 platform. This just isn't true.

You say the only good game is Motorstorm? That's you opinion. Personally I didn't think Motorstorm was that great, as I've said before. But there are several others that I like personally. This is just opinion though, and can't really be argued. If you don't like any of the PS3s games then I agree, the console is wrong for you.

As for exclusive titles, it is a popular argument that the PS3 has and will have few. You didn't actually say this, I'm just getting it out of the way. If one looks at Wikipedia's list of PS3 games one will find that there are in fact going to be many. Yes, wikipedia is known to have errors and there are probably some in that list, but the trend is still pretty clear.

No, the PS Store does not give you free games (except for Gran Turismo HD). This is what I thought was an unfair statement, I don't think anyone has claimed that it did. What are we comparing it with here? Are the games free in the XBox Live Arcade? Or on Nintendo's Virtual Console? No of course the games aren't free in the PS Store, but they don't cost much either. They're all between £2 and £8, most between £4 and £6. I can't see how this is a bad thing.

You are right about some of the updates to the store have been atrocious some weeks, where they have only added a couple of uninteresting trailers. This was mostly during the first couple of months, but it still happens. But there has also been some great updates with new games and demos. There are great updates as well as well as poor ones, it's always going to be that way. Personally I've found a lot of updates interesting. You do for example mention PS1 games being part of the updates as being a bad thing. I disagree, I think it's great that we can get those classics for £4-£5. I've gotten several allready that I decided to hold off getting back in the day until the price on them dropped, which I then never saw again and forgot about. And if you have a PSP, you can transfer these PS1 games to that and play them there as well if you want to.

So no, I don't regret getting one and I am quite confident that I won't anytime soon. Please note that I've said nothing bad about the 360 or the Wii either, they're probably great consoles too. I'm actually considering getting a Wii sometime to see what the fuss is all about, but I'm in no hurry to at the moment. The Xboxes never appealed to me personally, not enough to make me go out and get one. But I don't think it seems like an outright bad platform either, just not for me.
AlexJ 20:21 29th July 2007
When big games are considered GTA IV (Rockstar) is going to be on both platforms as is Burnout 5 (EA), Resi 5 (Capcom), Guitar Hero 3 (Activision) and the majority of the other major releases. Final Fantasy XIII (SquareEnix) & Gran Turismo 5 (Sony) are going to be PS3 exclusive so that'll clinch the console war for me. It seems to me that the vast majority of exclusive games are those developed by the studios owned by either Sony or MS. All the independents seem to be mainly dual format.
Harrison 15:34 30th July 2007
I've been discussing the Xbox 360 vs the PS3 with Blue Jedi via PM for the past few days, and I have to say that I'm with the rest of you. There are hardly any exclusive games due for release on the 360. Most are also being released on either the PC, PS3 or both.

He did send me a list of "exclusive" titles, but when I looked at them only 5 were actual Xbox 360 exclusives, and only one of those has actually been released so far.

At this stage it is hard to say what might happen in the next couple of years, but I personally think the PS3 will end up being more popular and come out on top as it did with the past two generations.

Why? First the brand. There are a lot of people who love the PS1 and PS2. Why haven't they already bought into the PS3? Easy. The price of the system still needs to come down so that the average person finds it affordable. Also HDTVs are still not common place in most homes. I expect this to dramatically change within the next couple of years, and once this happens they will be looking for an HD film format to buy into. Knowing the Playstation brand and the PS3 being able to play Blu-Ray discs out of the box means it's a win win situation. In contrast the Xbox 360 needs an additional HD-DVD external drive so you can run the HD-DVD discs, and most consumers will not buy into a product that you are then required to buy more hardware for, just to do the same task the PS3 can do as it is.

As I've mentioned in the PMs to Blue Jedi, the PS3 is still gaining momentum. It's less than a year old and so the first wave of software titles are still in development. The Xbox 360 in contrast has been out a lot longer, but it doesn't really have the killer line-up of titles you might expect after such a long lead time over the other next gen systems.

There is something else. Next to no exposure. Ask any average person in the street about the PS3 and they will have heard of it, and might even be able to tell you something about it. Ask them about the Xbox 360 and many will give you a blank expression. They don't know what it is, and on the whole don't care. I know people who are not gamers and when the Xbox 360 adverts were played in the cinema they didn't understand what was being advertised. Therefore those adverts failed. They are aimed at existing gamers. Sony know their market better. Just look at the Playstation sales of the past. It will win this generation, or Sony will die trying.

The Xbox 360 won't fail, but it will continue along the same path as the original Xbox. And it is American. For this reason it will never sell well in Japan compared to the Wii and PS3, and being American it will sell better in the USA than any other region and end up getting titles released that only appeal to the limited teen American demographic.

As for the Wii I think that will end up as all Nintendo systems have since the N64. A first party platform seeing great Nintendo created games that utilise the control system well, but that will be it. A gaming platform as Nintendo platforms have always been. Fun and generating enough money to keep Nintendo happy, but not something Sony need worry about.
v85rawdeal 15:55 30th July 2007
The ONLY problem I have had so far, albeit a very serious problem (imho) is that every time I eat ice cream, the controller keeps falling off my lap, because there is no cord for me to tuck between my legs...

Now as unimportant as this may sound, I am worried about the damage that could be done to my controller if this happened whilst sitting on a hotel balcony!!!

And if so, who would I sue???
Harrison 17:14 30th July 2007
Well... Nintendo had to provide stronger straps for their controller to protect themselves against law suits. Could Sony be taken to court for not providing a means to tether your control whilst stuffing your face?
Sharingan 19:58 30th July 2007
The PS3 is gaining momentum, and good ol' Sharingan is helping it along!

Just grabbed me a PS3, the starter pack that includes Motorstorm, Resistance: Fall of Man and an extra Sixaxis controller. Couldn't resist. If you subtract the price of the games and controller from the 600-buck price tag, the console itself only cost me a mere 435 quid. For a next-gen console that also plays Blu-ray discs, DVDs and old PS2/PSX games, that's a steal. I challenge anyone to find a Blu-ray player for that kind of money.

First impressions:

Great build quality. Unlike the Wii and 360, the console looks and feels very robust, AND has a slick look to it as well. The sucker is HEAVY, though. If I was the PS3 designer, I probably would've opted for an external power supply - not only could they have made the console smaller, they would also have made it easier to cool the thing. All in all, a good first impression.

Upon turning on the machine, the first thing I noticed was how QUIET it was. It was whisper-silent. I thought that the fans would kick in after playing games for a while, but it didn't do that either. At first, I was afraid the PS3 would be a jet-engine on steroids like the Xbox 360, but I was pleasantly surprised here. Chalk up another one for Sony's console.

The controllers look just like the old Dualshocks, albeit much lighter. They do look a bit dingy and cheap, but if you liked the DS controller, you'll like this one just the same. The shoulder buttons (R2 and L1) are slightly different this time 'round - they actually feel like analog buttons now.

Now, let's move onto the games:

Resistance: Fall of Man: The much acclaimed FPS from Insomniac Games. I was eager to try it out after reading the good reviews, and I wasn't disappointed. It might not be immediately mind-blowing when it comes to the visuals, but what's there is very polished and consistent in quality. The framerate never stutters either, no matter how much is going on on-screen. The gameplay is what you would expect from any other shooter really: tight controls, challenging AI and an immersive storyline all help to make R: FOM a good, fun experience. Being only a first-generation game, I'm expecting BIG things to happen in future FPS titles on the PS3.

Motorstorm: Let's get this out of the way first: the load times are retarded. I'm not sure if I can copy game data over to the HD to alleviate this, but playing from the game disc only, the loading times made me cringe. The game itself however, is oodles of fun. It looks, sounds and feels great, with the realistic physics model being the crowning highlight. I've only played one track so far, but already it looks like a game I can sink my teeth into for a while.

Notice that the above two mini-reviews were based on impressions from playing on a standard definition TV, since I have no HDTV yet. Even so, I was mightily impressed - I truely can't wait 'til I can witness the sickeningly good visuals in a proper resolution. A SD-TV does not do the PS3 any justice. At all.

So there you have it. I've jumped on board the next-gen train, and I'm definitely going to enjoy it. Now, I'll just have to save up for a meaty HDTV, and I'm set for the next couple of years!

The next games I'm going to fetch? Probably Ninja Gaiden Sigma and Virtua Fighter 5.
Sharingan 11:43 31st July 2007
As planned, I'll be fetching Ninja Gaiden and Virtua Fighter 5 after I get off work. I'll be posting some impressions soon.

I read somewhere that it's possible to connect the PS3 to a standard LCD monitor via a HDMI-to-DVI converter cable. Might be a nice stop-gap solution until I can afford a real HDTV!

I'm really needing that next paycheck now
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