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Thread: PS3 Price Drop
Sharingan 13:39 25th July 2007
After seeing the gameplay trailers to MGS4 and White Knight Story, I'm sold. Fsucking awesome. Especially the battle system in the latter game looks to be fabulous.

The games lineup right now might be a bit meager, but by the end of 2007, I'm expecting to see the first top titles in the stores. So that gives me a few months to finish up my backlog of PS2 games ... after that, it's next-gen all the way, baby!
v85rawdeal 13:47 25th July 2007
Originally Posted by Sharingan:
The games lineup right now might be a bit meager, but by the end of 2007, I'm expecting to see the first top titles in the stores.
Agreed. I'd rather have a meager line-up of good-quality games at the moment, than a shed-load of poor port-across tat!

And Sony are constantly updating the firmware (1.90 now) and that is ALL good!
Demon Cleaner 14:09 25th July 2007
There's also a nice RPG coming out called Folklore. Here's the preview with screenshots at Gamespot. That looks awesome.
Harrison 14:20 25th July 2007
I definitely agree with this. The PS3 look like it will start to have a great lineup of games come this Christmas. I will definitely be getting one then and I think that it will really start to become more popular and start selling well at the end of this year.

Like most new systems it takes time to gain speed and for developers to finish their first wave of games for the system. All systems always suffer in the first year to some extent.

And I agree regarding the ports. Better they wait than just flood the market with poor last generation ports, making a system appear less capable than it really is. And it wasn't needed with the PS3 anyway as there are so many PS1 and PS2 games that owners can still play while they wait, including new releases.

I now think the PS3 will end up being the best selling next gen system eventually. The Wii enjoyed a big start with a huge uptake over the last Christmas period, but more were casual gamers and we now hear nothing about the system apart from the occassional advert on TV or at the cinema, which are still showing the same limited lineup of games for the system. And the 360? I've not seen any adverts for that in a long time, and although it is in most gaming and electrical stores it isn't promoted much or given prominent focus.
v85rawdeal 15:40 25th July 2007

I do not recommend smuggling your PS3 into your mate's workplace just to download GT HD...

Not if you want him to keep his job, that is...
Harrison 16:15 25th July 2007
I take it this happened to you?
J T 16:27 25th July 2007
How did you smuggle it in? Was it in a similar latex-wrapped-insertion manner that drugs are smuggled in? Because that sounds rather painful, the PS3 is a big (funny shaped) fcuker.
Submeg 21:30 25th July 2007
Lol too funny!
v85rawdeal 11:49 26th July 2007
We got away with it in the end... His boss confiscated the PS3...

...And we all played GT during the luch break.

Fortunately his boss has a sense of humour!!!
Demon Cleaner 11:57 26th July 2007
Couldn't imagine this happening with my boss
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