Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Recruiting new members
v85rawdeal 09:19 2nd August 2007
We could always include a section called computer porn and have people posting images of their Amigas wearing sexy lingerie...

Or even hard-core computer porn ... Amigas with their cases off, their floppy disks on show or even ones with hard disks...

Then again... maybe not!!!

On a serious note, I have noticed that GC on teletext is definitly getting a fresh buzz of interest in the Amiga since Commodore announced their comeback.

If people are interested in reading the comments:

If you want to email them with your own comments about the Amiga and keep the buzz going, their address is:

Lets give this site the advertising it truly deserves!
Harrison 10:11 2nd August 2007
I've not read Game Central for some time. I used to visit it every day on Teletext while eating my breakfast, but I eventually got fed up with the waiting for the page numbers to finally reach the actual pages I wanted to read on Teletext. And all this talk about digital teletext being so much better is complete rubbish too. It's even slower than analogue teletext!

But Game Central was always interesting to read as a quick daily gaming fix so I may start visiting it again. There were often useful gaming links to sites found on there.

As for site advertising. I totally agree. We need to get classicamiga advertised anywhere and everywhere we can to draw in some new members. All ideas, suggestions etc most welcome, plus if you get an idea don't just post the idea here, actually perform the idea and get the advertising out there. The more places we can be seen, the more chances we have of people visiting.

We already have a lot of people visiting the site, but the more we can attract the better. The Amiga is still very fondly remember by a lot of people, and many more that used the Amiga years ago often see mention of it these days and instantly want to contribute to it's memory. As you mention is happening on Game Central. I think the Amiga was such a pivotal platform in the development of video gaming that it will remain a key memory in gaming history and in the minds of gaming fans forever.
Puni/Void 06:13 3rd August 2007
Originally Posted by :
As for site advertising. I totally agree. We need to get classicamiga advertised anywhere and everywhere we can to draw in some new members. All ideas, suggestions etc most welcome, plus if you get an idea don't just post the idea here, actually perform the idea and get the advertising out there. The more places we can be seen, the more chances we have of people visiting.
That last part is important. It's always easy to talk about how we can attract new visitors to the site or make more people join the forun, but as with things in general, the hard thing is implementing it in real life. Every little bit helps, so even if it just including a signature with underneath in another forum, bring it up when discussing Amiga or old-school gaming with someone, or things like that, it is bound to at least spread the word about the site.

Now, I've thought about asking the main ed of the diskmag Saxonia if he's interested in having a little piece about in the upcoming issue. I don't know if it'll help much, but it's worth a try. I haven't gotten around to the distribution site idea yet, so I will ask about that as well. Hopefully this can attract some sceners (and others) to the board and site.
Harrison 09:28 3rd August 2007
The only thing you do have to be careful about on other forums is not to break their rules. For example GameFAQs get very annoyed if you post direct links to other sites in your signatures as they view it as advertising. They are in the minority though, but it is worth double checking a forum's rules before you do add a signature.

I will be creating some more classicamiga adbanners soon and adding them to the site advertising page, so keep an eye on that in the coming months for more you might like to use in signatures. I'm going to be creating some gaming and demo scene themed banners based on the most popular games and demos on the site.

One other idea that would be cool, would be to offer demo groups their own space on classicamiga. Either as a page about their group in the demo section, or as their own sub domain linked site on the classicamiga server.

Other sites host additional related site's within their networks via sub domains, this would be easy to implement, and would draw in more traffic to classicamiga. We could offer a free sub domain that forwarded to a groups own site server, or for a minimal monthly or yearly fee (via donation) we could host the site on the classicamiga server. This would also be possible for any other Amiga related sites too that are unique and don't clash with our own content. Things like sites dedicated to a specific game are a good example of site's that would work well as a sub domain site of classicamiga. For example, getting a Monkey Island or Frontier site within out network would be great. We should start approaching owners of such micro sites to see if they would be interested in such a proposition.
Submeg 14:34 3rd August 2007
Yea that would be awesome. Have people sucked into our site while searching for other things...(retro gaming related )
J T 10:58 6th August 2007
So, this pr0n thing, eh?

We could upload some pr0n to the pirate bay, but at the money shot overlay massive text "VISIT CLASSICAMIGA.COM"
Submeg 13:00 6th August 2007
Lol too funny man. Damn you guys are all so twisted
Sharingan 13:22 6th August 2007
Click here to download:


Yeah, that oughta draw a few lost souls in.
Submeg 13:39 6th August 2007
that is some bad mental picture material
J T 13:51 6th August 2007
Man, check out Lorraine and those big chips

I'll skip the "fat agnus" chapter though, I'm not really a chubby-chaser.
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