Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: 100 games in 10 minutes video
Demon Cleaner 14:37 15th July 2007
I sometimes visit the Lemonamiga boards, they're Ok to me too.
Demon Cleaner 09:46 24th July 2007
I just watched the SNES and C64 movies, they're pretty cool and I know almost all the games, at least for the C64.
Bloodwych 15:06 1st September 2007
I've watched this video and it's a great piece of work. A nice way to remind us just how many great games were released back then

Originally Posted by Harrison:
I have nothing against Lemon Amiga. Not like other site's we could mention.

What other sites and why?
AlexJ 16:30 1st September 2007
It was probably more certain individuals from the sites that were scared of having a newly revamped competitor and issued threats to us to remove facts & data as a result. I think most of us here would agree that working together is far better than trying to alienate sections of the community just because there is some crossover between the sites.
Demon Cleaner 22:15 2nd September 2007
Originally Posted by AlexJ:
It was probably more certain individuals from the sites that were scared of having a newly revamped competitor and issued threats to us to remove facts & data as a result. I think most of us here would agree that working together is far better than trying to alienate sections of the community just because there is some crossover between the sites.
You're right, working together is the key. Don't know why the send that mail to Harrison, surely actuated by jealousy.
FOL 22:34 2nd September 2007
Originally Posted by Demon Cleaner:
Originally Posted by AlexJ:
It was probably more certain individuals from the sites that were scared of having a newly revamped competitor and issued threats to us to remove facts & data as a result. I think most of us here would agree that working together is far better than trying to alienate sections of the community just because there is some crossover between the sites.
You're right, working together is the key. Don't know why the send that mail to Harrison, surely actuated by jealousy.
All i can say is sod em, continue working with the people who want to keep the healthy community together. Im sure they far out weight the one's that dont.

United we stand devided we fall, .
Bloodwych 20:34 4th September 2007
Well, you guys are speaking in code as not to identify the site(s) in question - fair enough.

It's hard for me to comment without knowing the facts, but since the Amiga is dead I can't see anything to gain by being protective over what should be a united front on the retro scene.

Oh Well. As you said, the site will soldier on.
StuKeith 20:15 6th September 2007
Ive dl the file to my harddrive if anyone wants a copy? its 22mb in size!
Harrison 22:10 6th September 2007
Sure if you have it at least then I would know what it was I was meant to have copied.
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