Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: What did you get for christmas?
Harrison 16:37 2nd January 2007
Originally Posted by Stephen Coates:
Originally Posted by :
Personally I would prefer if it was still called the Winter Solstice!
In that case, you can call it winter solstice.
I'm not saying I couldn't personally call it Winter Solstice. What I meant was that I wished the whole event known in recent times by a name forced on us via the brain washing of religious groups was instead still commonly known by it's original name which points to its true origin.
Teho 19:26 2nd January 2007
It still is, here. It's called Jul, which was the norse originally called the Winter Solstice celebration. But the word's connotation is Christmas today, not Winter Solstice.

Personally, I celebrate christmas because it is a family tradition, not because it's a christian one. As the only one in the family, I refuse to attend mass in church on christmas eve. Instead, I'm the one that stays home preparing the dinner (following strict instructions, no way would they trust me to get it right on my own ).

As for gifts, apart from various pieces of clothing I got a teflon cooking pot (handy), a Leatherman multitool (very handy), and a wine carafe (from work). Guess I'm getting too old to have cool christmases.
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