Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: GrimGrimoire
Demon Cleaner 12:40 5th July 2007
I'm half through Xenogears, but haven't played it for 3-4 years now, and have sure a lot of others to play first.

Here is a list of the RPGs I have, and it's always upadted --> RPG list

I also played the Xenosaga trilogy, and it's really good. Only episode 2 has a less good battle system, but is still good, both others are very good. And if you begin to play, begin with episode 1, otherwise you won't understand the story, which is already very complex (I suppose you don't begin watching Star Wars episode V if you haven't seen any other yet).
Sharingan 12:52 5th July 2007
Originally Posted by :
- Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia
- Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm
- Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
- Dawn of Mana
- Dark Cloud 2
- Disgaea
- Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories
- Front Mission 4
- Full Metal Alchemist 2: Curse of the Crimson Elixir
- Full Metal Alchemist and the broken Angel
- Grandia 2
- Grandia 3
- Grandia Xtreme
- Growlanser Generations
- La Pucelle Tactics
- Legaia 2: Dual Saga
- Magna Carta: Tears of Blood
- Makai Kingdom
- Musashi Samurai Legend
- Okage: Shadow King
- Phantom Brave
- Radiata Stories
- Rogue Galaxy
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms IX
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms X
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI
- Romancing Saga
- Shadow Hearts
- Shadow Hearts 3: From the New World
- Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner
- Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 1
- Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2
- Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
- Shining Force EXA
- Shining Force Neo
- Shining Tears
- Stella Deus: The Gateway of Eternity
- Suikoden Tactics
- Tales of Legendia
- Tales of the Abyss
- Tsugunai: Atonment
- Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria
- Wild Arms 3
- Wild Arms 4
- Wild Arms: Alter Code F (remake/update of the original PSX Wild Arms)
- Xenosaga Episode 1: Der Wille zur Macht
One word: GIEV!!!!!!111eleven
Harrison 13:59 5th July 2007
I also now have all games on that list (after much searching and downloading) and still haven't played a lot of them beyond a few hours to just see what they were like and if they worked OK.

I'm also currently trying to find many of the games I listed in the Japanese RPG list. I probably won't be able to play most as I cannot understand or read any Japanese, but it will be fun trying!
Submeg 14:43 6th July 2007
You could use a translation site on the net?
Harrison 14:46 6th July 2007
Oh I will use translation guides if I think some of the games are interesting enough, but I still have hundreds of English games to play first!

Maybe by the time I actually come to play them (many years into the future) some nice fans of the games will have actually translated them for me! (as they now have for many of the old Japanese only SNES and Genesis titles).
Submeg 14:53 6th July 2007
Hehe, sounds like a plan
Ghost 12:59 16th November 2007
Hello all,

I saw this game for sale yesterday at a big store here for 30 Euros.
Is it any good?
Demon Cleaner 13:31 16th November 2007
It's pretty good, has its own unique style which makes it different to other games in that genre.
Sharingan 15:06 16th November 2007
Yeah, I got it too. The artwork is really nice, definitely a step up from most other games with anime-style art. RTS in 2D will take some getting used to, but I found the game to be imaginative, accessible and fun.
Harrison 15:40 16th November 2007
It definitely takes a bit of time to get used to the platform like 2D nature of this RTS. In a way it reminded me of the CD32 game Diggers, only very different! It is a good game, although if there is one thing that lets it down it is the linear story which drags on at the start before you even get chance to do anything.
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