Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: WinUAE 1.4.3 public beta #7
Demon Cleaner 04:43 28th June 2007
Next release:

Originally Posted by :
Beta 7:

- rom scanner detects overdumped roms again
- added "(SK)" to A3000 KS 1.3 ROM name (SuperKickstart disk rip, this version has never been in ROM chip format, only included because it comes with AF)
- removed A4091 boot rom from scan result dialog (NCR SCSI wonīt be implemented in next version)
- removed add host scsi from advanced chipset (not working)
- added more rom choices to "highend" configuration
- rom scanner didnīt write full path to registry (zipped roms)
- command line configuration parameters accept compressed configuration files ("-f myconfigurations.zipmyconfig.uae")
- some dms compressed files failed to decompress and also took very long time to finish
- disk history is updating correctly again
- new rtg.library version number bump. added warning if older library is installed. NOTE: new rtg.library is fully compatible with older (Win)UAE versions.
- disabled CDTV debug logging
- hrtmon works again
- gzip decompression works again

Harrison 09:56 28th June 2007
This is getting worse than MAME beta! Seems to be a new one nearly every day at the moment.
Demon Cleaner 10:18 28th June 2007
Yeah, there's a release every week at least, but I never test the beta versions, always wait for the final one. But I post the links here, so that anybody who's willing to test, can d/l it.
Harrison 10:47 28th June 2007
I always wait for final releases too. I do the same with MAME, never bothering with the u releases, especially as with MAME it requires updating the rom set for each and these can then be problematic once the next final version is released, sometimes requiring additional rollback sets to first be applied.
Demon Cleaner 13:30 28th June 2007
I also wait for the final MAME releases, I'm not going to play the games after an update anyway, so it doesn't really matter