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Poll: Have you ever been on a diet?
Have you ever been on a diet?
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    Thread: Have you ever been on a diet?
    Buleste 17:47 25th February 2008
    Well you'd have more money to spend on the upcoming nuptuals if you did. Mind you traditionally it's the brides parents that fork out for the wedding so you'd have more to spend on the after stag party Alka Seltza.
    Buleste 10:06 26th February 2008
    I saw ABC World News Tonight last night and the Americans are whinging at paying nearly $4.00 a U.S. Gallon which works out about 50p a litre. And they say the British are a nation of complainers. Gas guzzling, planet destroying, bastards.
    Harrison 11:24 26th February 2008
    That program about Texas, "The Fatest state of America", was on again last night and I just caught the end of it. One guy was saying that the reason they were all so fat, never walked anywhere, and stayed in their cars all the time, was due to the oil boom in the 50s. So the state geared up for driving and no longer even has sidewalks in many areas, and now it is also because the heat most of the year is too much, so they stay in their air conditioned cars when going anywhere.

    All I could think was. It's going to be funny when they run out of oil! They will actually have to use their legs, and realise that exercise keeps your weight down!
    Buleste 11:30 26th February 2008
    Americans will slowly evolve into mountain dwelling creatures with no legs when the oil runs out. All they will do is as they get older slowly roll a bit more down the mountain to the food supply and then eventually change into sushi eating aquatic lifeforms and eventually die due to weight loss so they can't float and drown due to no legs.
    v85rawdeal 18:01 26th June 2008
    I was going to post something here, but I got ambushed by the 'agreement' screen... and now I have forgotten what I was going to say!

    khaxzan 20:36 17th August 2008
    A diet?

    I weigh 100 pounds.

    I think a diet would be the end of me.
    Harrison 21:04 17th August 2008
    That's only just over 7 Stone. That is light! Maybe you need to do the reverse and take up eating as a hobby?
    Demon Cleaner 09:40 18th August 2008
    Originally Posted by khaxzan:
    A diet?

    I weigh 100 pounds.

    I think a diet would be the end of me.
    I weigh the double, but I'm 2m tall.
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