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Poll: Have you ever been on a diet?
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    Thread: Have you ever been on a diet?
    Zetr0 14:13 13th February 2008
    Ahhh metric V's Imperial

    well the metric system is decimal and used in scientific measurements, and them god folk feared the power of arming its sheep with knowledge (science), after all how will they keep their populace subjugated if the populace know, so by keeping the metric system at bay enforced many of thier reasonings...

    interestingly the metric system is based on water at room temperature, 1 mm cubic of water = 1 gram and vice versa, so the metric system is great but initially it was very hard to adopt as not everywhere is the same room temperature.
    Harrison 14:28 13th February 2008
    Yeah I did know that about metric being based on water. I did all that in A-Level Physics. Didn't pursue Physics beyond that point though as it was getting too equation heavy and not much fun to study.
    J T 16:20 13th February 2008
    Also having everything to the base of ten (or multiples of 10) for units makes way more sense because it follows the numbering system. Imperial is mega awkward for converting. 13ths of this, 12th of that, 6ths there

    However, when talking about height and weight and guesstimating short distances I always use feet,inches and stones. Just a habit.
    Harrison 16:21 13th February 2008
    Same here. If I'm measuring anything to cut something etc I use metric. But when it comes to a persons height and weights, as well as room sizes, I have to using imperial measurements. I just can't picture things like that in metric.
    Stephen Coates 16:37 13th February 2008
    I always use metric if it needs to be accurate. I understand metric best, probably due to me being taught it at school, but I have always measuered height/weight of people etc in imperial, and sometimes measure non accurate things in inches/feet e.g. I know that I am sat about 2 feet away from the monitor but not sure how many metres.

    Another use of imperial is of course miles. I don't hear many people saying 'I live x kilometres away from you', and we certainly don't drive cars at 40km/h.
    Submeg 00:46 24th February 2008
    Originally Posted by Stephen Coates:
    I always use metric if it needs to be accurate. I understand metric best, probably due to me being taught it at school, but I have always measuered height/weight of people etc in imperial, and sometimes measure non accurate things in inches/feet e.g. I know that I am sat about 2 feet away from the monitor but not sure how many metres.

    Another use of imperial is of course miles. I don't hear many people saying 'I live x kilometres away from you', and we certainly don't drive cars at 40km/h.
    Bah, I can't stand just doesn't make sense! No logic. You don't drive at 40 km/h? There are roads here where that is the speed limit...
    Stephen Coates 09:49 24th February 2008
    No, we don't do 40km/h.

    We do do 30mph and 40mph though. And in my case probably 20mph if I ever attempt to use a car. I certainly wouldn't know how to go at 30kmph, due me not know how fast that actually is, and with the kmph scale on the speedometer being alot smaller than the mph one.
    Buleste 10:52 24th February 2008
    I prefer to read my speed in KPH because i've got a car with a small engine and a top speed of 120KPH sounds better than it's MPH equivelent. But in reality i think Abe Simpson had it right when he said "The metric system is the tool of the devil. My car gets fourty rods to the hogs head and that's the way I likes it"
    Submeg 11:04 24th February 2008
    Bah you're all INSANE!
    Harrison 07:08 25th February 2008
    Originally Posted by Buleste:
    I've got a car with a small engine and a top speed of 120KPH sounds better than it's MPH equivelent.
    75MPH??? Are you sure it actually has an engine???

    That's about the slowest speed I drive my car at! I don't think I could cope with a small engined car. I borrowed one of my dad's cars last year while mine was having some work done to it, and it was horrible to drive. A 1.4L engine that was so slow accelerating that I got bored waiting for it to reach 70MPH.
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