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Poll: Have you ever been on a diet?
Have you ever been on a diet?
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    Thread: Have you ever been on a diet?
    Submeg 03:06 30th June 2007
    Me....not as much exercise as before, more junkfood. Used to do: lots of walking (before I could drive) and breakdancing, sport, etc. Have started doing weights again and I have dance factory on my PS2 so using that too. Will have to indulge in some more "extra curricular" sports too. Thats always a good energy burner
    Sharingan 09:03 2nd July 2007
    Started a diet once (10 years ago), lost 18 kg, have kept the weight off ever since.

    As far as I'm concerned, there's two kinds of diets: the fad diets ("drink only carrot juice for a week", "avoid all carbs") that don't work or only work initially, and the kind of diet that requires you to make a lifelong change - that is, use common sense in the kind and amount of food you take. An apple instead of a Mars bar is common sense. A double size pizza instead of lean grilled chicken is not.

    Also, going on a diet without regularly exercising is pretty much a lost cause as well. The nice thing about regular exercise is that it also boosts metabolism, to the point that eating junkfood every once in a while isn't going to hurt at all.
    Harrison 12:55 2nd July 2007
    That is very true. Also I found that regular exercise also stops you feeling tired as much and you generally feel like you have more energy.
    Stephen Coates 15:17 2nd July 2007
    Exercise is good.

    I always feel better after I have been out for a walk, even if it is just for 20 minutes or so.

    I had a couple of long walks this week. Although that was neccesary as there isn;t a bus which goes straight from my house to ASDA. I got the bus into town, thinking that the road which goes from town to ASDA isn;t very long, but it seems much longer walking than it does going in the car. I walked back home a different way.
    J T 16:51 2nd July 2007
    nah, never needed to, I'm underweight, and can eat whatever shit I like. I just don't have a massive appetite so don't tend to stuff, I stop when I'm full.

    It's not all good though, as I'm pretty unfit right now
    Zetr0 10:50 12th February 2008
    Diets are indeed an interesting topic... which works and how can make a lot of money in the right book....

    there are good points and bad points to diets... but the REAL truth is different diets will interact differently with the host.

    By far the best and most effective weight loss is a good calorie controlled diet with mild exercise, it really will work efficiently in atleast 90% of those that try it... (and stick to it for more than 4 weeks!!!)

    Physical History
    I have a quite a stocky build of 6.0", lol i have stumpy legs and long torso... i blame my parents... freaks they are! on my fathers side there all under waif like 5.8 and on my mothers side the males are all stocky built over 6.2".... soo.... i was doomed even before conception LOL.. and yes... my arms are longer than my legs... LOL

    The above really does change the way weight looks and is gained on a person, my closest mate Yorkie is 5.6 so when he gains 14 lbs he looks the worse for it, however 14lbs would hardly be noticed on my frame lol... lucky for me not... it allows ones weight to really creep up!.... yes... beer / kebabs / curry and fearsome appitite combine to make a serious problem or two...

    A Key Ingredient
    I think one of the key mysteries in losing weight is infact you need to drink lots of water.... a lot of calorie and other based diets wont do as well as expected because you body simply cannot expel and retains water.. thus you don't loose as much weight, so you have to force yourself to drink atleast 2 liters a day.... its not easy... i don't succeed on this half the time.

    I have tried and used the following diets

    Restrictive Calorie controlled diet,

    12 weeks + Heavy Exercise...
    Weight loss from 16.5 stone to 12.5 stone / 56lbs

    The above although works is not healthy, it will leave you persistently tired and cranky, the exercise was mild manual labour at work, and Kung Fu for 2 hours a weekend and Territorial Army every Tuesdays and 5 aside footy on sunday.

    Atkins Diet

    This is strangely effective in the short term 6-8 weeks, but it has some strange side effects.

    no real exercise, just the protein / fat diet.
    Weight Loss from 17.2 stone to 15.2 stone / 28lbs

    Firstly there is some serious dietary side effect with this one... like really bad breath, often your spent more time in the toilet than not... and i found stomach ache from time to time also other things not mentioned in polite forum society...

    Weight Watchers:- Points based system

    12 weeks + mild exercise (swimming for 1 hour every other day)

    Weight loss = 2.5 stone / 35lbs

    This diet is a "life style" change, there is a lot of factors that play in this type of diet, with foods being graded on carbohydrates and saturated fat content, infact its was that complicated to fathom out how this calculation was done, your stuck on the website to figure out what you can have...

    This diet was too easy to convince yourself you were not cheating, although your alloted 30 points one could easily eat that in two medium meals if not careful..

    this type of diet is more of a way to keep weight off rather than losing it.

    Slim Fast

    8 weeks - no exercise

    Weight Loss 2.2stone / 31lbs

    Now this is an interesting diet, as you know theres a shake for breakfast, one for dinner and a main meal. you are alloted 1,400 calories (form this 250cal per shake so its arround 900 cal a day), most vegetables don't count, this diet really makes you thirsty so getting you water in is very VERY important... in fact i remember because i wasnt drinking enough water a simple smile and I split my lip... damn hurt..

    Final Thoughts

    The above is how certain diets have effected my body type, I am sure there will be some parallels, but I am also certain that will be many differences. but in my humble opinion, a good calorie controlled diet that consists of a good range of proteins / fats and carbohydrates combine with a mild exercise will work miracles within 12 weeks...

    I think that if the above has taught me anything, for a diet to really make an effect look at a 12 week / 3 month minimum, If you are looking at just shaving a few pounds then consider a lesser calorie intake, it doesn't have to be as drastic as some of the larger diets around aim for around 1,800 / 2,000 calories and drink lots of liquids this will seriously help.

    On another note, if you are considering a diet, get prepared not all diets will replace or provide a lot of necessary vitamins so grab a couple of one a day a-z's from the chemist, this will help in a lot of areas...

    I also think a lot of fad diets are, indeed just that... FAD - F*cking Amazingly Dumb! your body needs fats / carbs and proteins to do its job, cutting one of them out it cannot do it effectively... so for the most part i think its pretty much common sense.

    anyway... another incredibly LONG post
    Tiago 12:29 12th February 2008
    diet... don't even know what that is...

    Different pre-set metabolisms? I think,... yes

    I never got more then 67kg, i quit smoke (dont gain even 1g), i drink what eevr i want and i eat like an animal, and i am always ok. And i only do 1 hour a week of exercice, (soccer).

    I think i am a lucky guy...
    StuKeith 12:52 12th February 2008
    Im on the LitghterLife Diet as we speek!

    I am in my 5th week and have lost almost 2 stone so far! I am to loose at least 3stone in 8 weeks but possibly more If I can.

    It would be nice to get back down to around 12-13stone
    Demon Cleaner 12:53 12th February 2008
    What's stone?
    Buleste 12:55 12th February 2008
    I'm on the idon'tgivea****whichiswhyi'msingle diet. As for exercise i get out of breath making a post.
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