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Thread: Writing adds for Ebay
Ghost 01:22 18th June 2007
Hello all,

Thank you for your help and suggestions, I will probably write the adds in Notepad as I don't have Dreamweaver or do I know how to use it (another thing I will have to ask on school).
Harrison 12:21 18th June 2007
Originally Posted by Stephen Coates:
Also, if all you are doing is writing HTML, it is a bit pointless using any other software.
Yes and No.

It is perfectly easy to write and edit html using notepad, but only for very simple dicouments that are easy to navigate. The big advantage of any html supporting text editor or dreamweaver is that it colour codes the text and adds number lines, so you can instantly see where the tags are in the text, making it much easier to navigate and edit.

There are free html supporting text editors available that are just as good as dreamweaver if all you need to do is hard coding (direct entry and editing without any program assistance). is a free editor I've sometimes used that is good for basic html editing. It also supports plugins to add extra features if needed.

As for Dreamweaver, it can seem complex to begin with but it isn't really. It just comtains a lot of features. It's line numbering and colour coding are again useful for direct hard coding and tt's auto tag completion is very useful as well as it's tag checking. And the built in refrenece manuals to looking up anything in html, css, javascript, php, asp etc is very useful if you need to do something but don't know that tag needed.

The other feature that is very useful is its direct support for many languages. If you are editing a dicument it is will automatically display dropdowns as you type to speed up code entry and so you can see the available options for the tag or command you are typing.

The other thing with Dreamweaver is that you don't have to use all of it's features if you don't need them. When editing a single file you don't need to setup a website or structure. That part of it can just be forgotten about. But if using css then the ability to add your style sheets as reference is very useful as you can instantly pull the css styles you have ceated while editing a site document.
AlexJ 16:44 18th June 2007
You've misquoted me there

from Harrison: Sorry, is now fixed.
Ghost 00:53 5th July 2007
Hi guys,

Sorry for disappearing on you all, again!!!

I haven't been able to work on making adds yet because of other commitments but I am planning to change some things in the coming vacation in how I handle matters such as these, trying to get them as soon as possible finished instead of postponing them.

Would anyone be interested if I made a list of the stuff I plan to sell and post it here?
Harrison 07:45 5th July 2007
Sure. Or maybe post it on the main site's marketplace and then post a link here saying you have added them.
Ghost 23:54 1st August 2007
Hello guys,

I am putting together a list of the games I am planning to sell online, this is not all but the rest lies in storage, I will do them tomorrow.

* * * *

Doom 3
Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil

Fable The Lost Chapters
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Area 51
Star Wars: Republic Commando
Deus Ex 2 (CD Rom edition)

Empire Earth
Empire Earth 2

The War of the Worlds

Crimson Skies

Unreal 1 (Replay Edition)
Unreal Expansion: Return to Na Pali

Star Trek Starfleet Command 1
Star Trek Starfleet Command 2
Star Trek Starfleet Command 2: Orion Pirates
Star Trek Starfleet Command 3
Star Trek Klingon Academy

Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Dominion Wars

Star Trek TNG: Generations
Star Trek TNG: Honor Guard
Star Trek TNG: Birth of the Federation

Star Trek Armada
Star Trek Armada 2
Harrison 01:28 2nd August 2007
Some like the Star Trek games are getting harder to find these days so you might have some interest from buyers for those, but for others like Doom 3 or Deus Ex 2, don't be surprised if you don't get much for them.

Are you going to be selling each individually? Or in bundles? Such as all the Star Trek games together, or maybe in the groups you have them in above?
Ghost 01:31 2nd August 2007
Hello Harrison,

Somehow I managed to miss your post.
Actually I am not expecting much for Doom 3/Expansion and Deus Ex 2, but I simply want to get rid of these games as they take up space, plus if I can get five or ten Euros for that, that's okay.

I am not sure about selling some of those games in bundles, probably would be easier to sell games like Honor Guard, Generations and Dominion Wars as a bundle.
To bad that I don't really know what to ask for them
Harrison 10:31 2nd August 2007
Some of the games you have on offer are quite rare.

Klingon Academy is very hard to find these days and is probably the rarest title there so I would definitely have that on its own. I remember it being hard to find even on release and finding myself a copy was hard enough a few years ago.

Your best bet is to do a search on ebay for each game to see the average prices they are currently selling for. Klingon Academy for example seems to be selling for about £14-20 so is fetching quite a good price. And Starfleet command 3 seems to be quite sort after with one current auction currently up to £17.99.

In contrast Doom 3 is fetching about £3! So that might look more attractive to buyers if bundled with the expansion pack.

I would offer international shipping so that you get more interest from US and other European buyers as many of those games will be of interest to buyers in other countries.

Also a good tip is to work out the shipping costs and include them in the auction page as buyers will then be able to see exactly that the total cost will be. Often people are put off because they are worried about hidden shipping costs at the end of an auction. Many have been stung in the past by high shipping costs.
Ghost 01:10 4th August 2007
Hello all,

I broke my promise of posting the rest of the list yesterday, but here it is now.

* * * *

Half Life
Half Life: Opposing Force
Half Life: Blue Shift
Gunman Chronicles

Sim City (Dice re release)
Sim Town (Dice re release)
Sim Copter (Dice re release)
Sim Earth (Dice re release)
Sim Farm (Dice re release)
Sim Tower (Dice re release)
Sim Ant (Dice re release)

Battle Island Platinum (collection)
Battle Island: Shadow of the Emperor (classic re release)

X Gold

Descent 1 & 2 The Definite Collection

Shadow Watch

Virus 2000


Dark Colony


Syndicate Wars

Total Annihilation
Total Annihilation: The Core Contingency

Atomic Bomberman

Earthworm Jim 3D

Command and Conquer Renegade

Soldiers at War

Space Hulk (re release)
Ultrabots (re release)
Wing Commander 2 Deluxe Edition (re release)
Wing Commander Academy (re release)

US Navy Fighters

Montezuma’s Return

Galaga: Destination Earth

Dominant Species

Falcon 3.0


The Terminator 2029 Deluxe CD Edition

Ultimate Lemmings (replay re release)
Holiday Lemmings

Battle Cruiser 3000 AD (GT select re release)

Ripley’s Believe it or not (Kixx re release)

Rage of Mages

Shogo: Mobile Armor Division

Quake 2

Star Wars X Wing Alliance

Take No Prisoners

X Com Interceptor

Septerra Core


Orion Burger

Heart of Darkness

Submarine Titans

Civilization 2
Civilization 2 Scenarios: Conflicts in Civilization
Civilization 2: Fantastic Worlds
Civilization 2: Muli player
Civilization: Call to Power

Warlords 3: Darklords Rising
Prince Of Persia 3D

Deep Fighter

Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday
Buck Rogers: Matrix Cubed

Elite 2: Frontier

Star Trek Borg
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