Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Fallout 3 teaser
Puni/Void 15:25 11th June 2007
Have any of you seen the new Fallout 3 teaser? If yes, what did you think of it?
Bethesda have also launched a discussion forum for the upcoming Fallout game (scheduled to be released during Fall 2008). There are quite a few interesting discussions going on there, and you can clearly see the sceptics participating. Let's hope that Fallout 3 will prove true to the legacy and that it will not turn away the fans.
Harrison 16:38 11th June 2007
Can you post some links to the forum and to the trailer? I've not visited wither yet but would like to. It is good news that they are already starting to generate interest with the game still scheduled for next year. Must mean they are looking to listen to fans views before the final game is finished.
Demon Cleaner 17:25 11th June 2007
Haven't seen it yet. I have the Fallout collection d/l from UG, I will install the games on my "new" notebook.
Teho 17:35 11th June 2007
View teaser here. The player will probably play an advert first, sorry about that.

The teaser, like all other teasers, don't show much about the game at all. But judging from it it seems that they at least intend to recreate the atmosphere pretty well. I'm still worried about the gameplay though, hopefully it won't be an Oblivion clone.

I'm still looking forward to it at least.
Harrison 23:52 11th June 2007
Originally Posted by Demon Cleaner:
Haven't seen it yet. I have the Fallout collection d/l from UG, I will install the games on my "new" notebook.
If you haven't played the first two Fallout games yet then you are in for a treat. They are among the best RPGs to date. Aside from the dated graphics the gameplay and story is hard to beat.
Submeg 01:08 12th June 2007
The story is quite deep, thats what I loved about it...took me ages to finish the game.
Demon Cleaner 04:55 12th June 2007
Originally Posted by :
If you haven't played the first two Fallout games yet then you are in for a treat.
Only tested, as usual.
Originally Posted by :
Aside from the dated graphics the gameplay and story is hard to beat.
Actually I prefer that style of graphics to newer 3D one.