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Thread: Oblivion mods
Puni/Void 15:23 11th June 2007
I was wondering if anyone has tried Oblivion with level-scaling mods installed? If yes, which mods have you trieD?

I've tried a level-scaling mod myself, and it truly lifts the game into a whole new dimension. Now its a point to level up compared to the vanilla version.

Oh, anyone tested Shivering Isles yet?
Harrison 16:34 11th June 2007
I've not tried any level-scaling mods yet. Do they fix the issues of the standard game where the enemy levels up with you so it is pointless levelling? With these mods what now happens? Do the enemies stay at lower levels?

I've got the Shivering Isles mod but not tried it yet.
Puni/Void 18:54 11th June 2007
Harrison wrote:

Originally Posted by :
I've not tried any level-scaling mods yet. Do they fix the issues of the standard game where the enemy levels up with you so it is pointless levelling? With these mods what now happens? Do the enemies stay at lower levels?
There are probably variations on this from modification to modification, but in general they fix the annoying issues where the enemy levels up with you. In the one I use (Oscuro's mod), the creatures levels are capped. Some creatures can advance levels, but for example only from 1-10 or 20-30 or the likes. The beauty of this is the challenge - you can't complete the game being level 1 only. And I doubt you will see bandits running around in glass armour as well.

So, an ordinary Goblin will stay at a low level (for example capped 5-10), while you advance.

Anyway, such a mod brings excitement into the game for sure. If you have managed to reach level 25 for example, you will feel that the enemies (not all) are easier to defeat. Unlike the original game, where it was just the same over and over, there is now a point to advancing in levels. Also, the game plays just as normal with all the quests intact.

In my opinion, Oblivion has because of such mods become a much better game. What I missed from Morrowind, namely the big challenge, you can get with a level-scaling fixer mod.
Harrison 23:42 11th June 2007
Cool. I will definitely have to try one of these mods out. Have you got a link to the one you are using so I can give it a try?

As you say, it will definitely add more to the game, giving levelling a point within the game.
Puni/Void 15:20 12th June 2007
Good to hear that you will try out one or more modifications for Oblivion. Here is a direct link to Oscuro's Oblivion modification:


You'll a wide selection of modifications at the website called The Elder Scrolls Source. Have a look and good luck! I'm sure you will enjoy it.
Harrison 16:14 12th June 2007
When the game was first released I tried out most of the mods that were quickly released. Some of the engine modification mods really helped in getting the game running much faster and smoother, while also looking even better.

But I've not played the game in some time so it will be fun to play through the whole game again, but this time with the balanced levelling mod in use.

I had a look at the Description for OSCUROS OBLIVION OVERHAUL and it is very impressive. The number of modifications to the game is quite amazing and they all seem for the better. I cannot wait to try this out now.
Puni/Void 17:13 12th June 2007
Glad you got a good first impression of the mod. I'm looking forward to hear how you liked it after you've tried it out. Be warned though; Unless you've gained some levels, don't try out the Arena - the opponents are much harder to take out now. Oh, and some of the Goblins are much tougher than before. Good game mate!