Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Fallout Amiga?
Ghost 11:27 26th May 2007
Hello people,

Out of curiosity, would it have been possible to recreate Fallout for the Amiga?

For its time Fallout was probably to big already for the Amiga types most commonly available, but the more heavier types that have hard discs, would they have been able to run Fallout?
Teho 13:48 26th May 2007
Perhaps. You would definitely need the highest end Amiga though, the DOS version demanded a P90 and 32MB RAM. But it could probably be done.
Ghost 14:07 26th May 2007
Guess it is a shame that the Amiga gamewise was pretty much dead during the time that Fallout was released, I think a lot of Amiga owners would have loved it.

A couple of years ago some company did make Freespace for the Amiga.
Puni/Void 07:11 27th May 2007
I think it would be possible to do a version of Fallout for the Amiga. If you take a look at what people have managed to get out of our favourite machine through the years, I don't think Fallout would work.

The developers could for example have made an Amiga version in Assembler, which means that it would have been faster than a version written in C or the likes. If there is something Amiga coders know, it is how to make the most out of the hardware you have available. Just think of all the amazing demos released during the last 10 years.

Anyway, as for the specs, I agree with Teho. It would probably require a quite powerful machine. The memory part is especially crucial. Guess an AGA powered Amiga with a 060 and 32MB of RAM would be able to run it.