Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Poll: How old were you when you got your first Amiga?
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How old were you when you got your first Amiga?
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    Thread: How old were you when you got your first Amiga?
    Harrison 15:47 9th May 2007
    I sadly remember such a year saving up for an Amiga for the whole year (aged 13) and reaching Xmas and my birthday. My parents could only afford to give my £50 towards it and at that time the A500 was still £399 and I only had £250 So the worst thing happened. I bought an Atari ST instead!
    Stephen Coates 16:38 9th May 2007
    Probably about 7 or 8.
    v85rawdeal 10:02 13th May 2007
    I bought my CPC when I was 16 (1986), Got the ST in 1988 And have worked out that I got the Amiga in 1990 (which means I was 19), which is a little sooner than I thought. Mind you, I was able to pay £50 a month rather than pay it all off in one lump sum.
    TiredOfLife 12:37 13th May 2007
    Bought an A500Plus when I was 18.
    Hadn't been working that long.
    Dad couldn't understand why I was wasting my money on it.
    J T 08:57 14th May 2007
    I think I was 10 or 11, it was during my 2nd or 3rd year at junior school.
    Blue Jedi 10:32 29th July 2007
    The Amiga 600 was my first Amiga the Amiga 600 was relased in 1992 I am 28 now I got my Amiga 600 either in 1992 or 1993.
    Harrison 15:01 30th July 2007
    So that would have made you about 13 or 14 at the time.
    Zetr0 19:01 22nd January 2008
    As its my first post on the "New Classic Amiga"

    A big hi from this Zetr0 guy

    some may know of my post whoring exploits from the EAB, and the uber coolness from OLDSkool, but i don't want you thinking i am anything but special... I am just a regular Zetr0

    wow, its hard to think about it now.... i would of been 13/14 when i first saw and played on an AmigaA500 with 1MB Expansion playing Sword of Sodan i think it was now... man... so long ago... what a game... spanked anything i had seen in the arcades at the time!

    it was about a year after that we got an Atari ST, then promptly an Amiga 500 (with said 1MB upgrade from my uncle).

    Spanked gauntlet, Amour Gideon, SWIV, Super Cars... oh the list is endless...

    my first REAL purchase of an Amiga (as in with my own cash no christmas and borthday prezzy money ) was an A1200, when i was 17/18, i paid £325 at the time which was cheaper than the £425 asking price!!!!...

    OMG what a computer.... my bro bought me a 40MB HDD for my birthday that year, i was in heaven!!!!!!

    I had a coding partion of 5MB (doublespaced to 10MB), a 5 MB boot partion a, game and music partition... great it was!!!

    in 1993, i bought a Gastiener 8MB Ram Card for £120, and enjoyed the full yummyness of Fast Ram and a 33mhz FPU

    wow... anyway yes theres a trip down memory lane....
    Graham Humphrey 19:09 22nd January 2008
    Bah, just when I thought I was safe from Zetr0 Welcome to the site man!

    I got an A500+ when I was five in '91 and it's fair to say the Amiga made a bit of an impression on me
    Zetr0 19:15 22nd January 2008

    damn they will just let any old frog-cat in here eh?

    good to see ya floating around, and thanks for the welcome

    Wow, if i had an A500+ at 5 years old..... i would of ruled the world by now!!!!
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