Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: TV series. What are you watching?
Harrison 10:20 17th April 2024
After the writers strike there was talk of a drought of new shows over the last 12 months, but this seems to be far from the truth. Already we have seen some amazing shows released.

For me the highlights so far have been:

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters
For All Mankind
Masters of the Air

And others I've enjoyed include:

Constellation. Although that was a big hard going.

I've been trying to get into The Three Body Problem but after 3 episodes I'm just not that interested.

I'm about to start:

The Gentlemen
Discovery Season 5

I also tried to start watching the Scifi series Beacon 23 after reading the book it's based on but don't bother. It's awful! The only think it takes from the book is the location and a couple of small references. It shares nothing else in common with it. Shame as thy book was interesting. Good actors but bad script too.

By contrast the series Silo is a great adaptation from the book Wool. I read the whole trilogy after watching the series and wasn't disappointed in either. It even led me to read more of the authors work. Sand was good.

What have you been watching?