Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: RGB-Pi
Harrison 00:22 14th November 2023
I've just discovered this hardware, RGB-Pi.

This is an RGB Scart cable that plugs directly into the 40pin expansion port on a Raspberry Pi. This then combined with their own Linux based OS, called RGB-Pi OS, based on Raspian and Retroarch, and designed and configured to run in the lower arcade resolution of 240p, including Retroarch configured to run at this lower resolution.

This is designed for those wishing to get a perfect original retro image on a CRT TV via emulation. Quite a cool idea.

I was actually hoping this was something slightly different when I first discovered it. That you would be able to feed an RGB signal via this cable into the RPi, and it to upscale and output via the hdmi port. That could really reduce the cost of upscalers. This isn't that.
Kin Hell 07:19 14th November 2023
I tell you something H....

These RPi affairs are so versatile....

Never seen anything about those little gems. - 0Ld Arcade stuff for real.

Takes away all the old methods of USB interfacing & hark @ me.... as if USB interfacing is old already!?
Just show's how fast things change these days & the true versatility of the RPi world.
Harrison 09:09 15th November 2023
Indeed. The RPi has really revolutionised and provided new possibilities for so many things. Who would have thought when the first RPi was invented and launched as an affordable computer aimed at schools to teach computing, programing and computer bases projects that this really cheap little computer would end up unlocking so much more. The expensive part of any computer project is always the hardware. The RPi removed that issue, and utilising Linux you have a free open source OS base to do pretty much anything.

I'm still on the search for an projects using the RPi as an upscaler to feed retro systems to an HD display. Devices like the XRGB upscaler are now abandoned and no longer made, and the Retrotink and similat are just too expensive. Fingers crossed someone is working on this.
Kin Hell 09:23 15th November 2023
Have you seen the mClassic ?