Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Starfield
Harrison 13:32 13th September 2023

Has anyone tried this game yet?

You would have needed to be living under a rock to avoid seeing something about this game. Microsoft and Xbox have been throwing money at it, as the next greatest revolution in gaming, and saying it is their complete focus as a first party project for the Xbox brand. If true that's a lot to pin all your hopes on.

It's one of the only exclusive games this generation the Xbox had received, compared to many on PS5. So you can only play this if you have an Xbox or PC. It was released on Gamepass day one so costs nothing more to try out. And also available on Steam if you are not a subscriber.

I do have Gamepass so didn't have to pay anything extra for it, so thought I would give it a try.

Prerelease footage might have given the impression this was a space sim akin to Elite or No Mans Sky, but with full RPG story led missions. That's definition not true. Instead it feels exactly like Fallout or Skyrim but set in a space based future.

The spaceship bits are just in space doing dog fights against pirates or travelling to a planet or ship. You can't physically fly down to a planet or fly around the planet surface and land where you like. Instead when you arrive at the planet you can open up the starmap, get a rotatable view of the planet and pick one of the predetermined sites and select land. It then goes to a loading screen, followed by a landing animation, then you are landed and sat in the cockpit ready to leave the ship and walk around.
Similar to how KOTOR handled it 20 years ago . So in reality the planets are just like each big location in theirprevious games, and the spaceship is just the quick travel mechanism between them.

There is a bit more to the space ships than just that though. You do get full flight controls when in space. You have power management a bit like Elite, NMS or Star Wars Squadrons and can move powerbertween weapons, shields and engines Etc. The space fighting is pretty good if a little easy feeling. You have access to lasers, bullets and missiles. And navigating and moving between systems is similar to landing. You pick a destrination on the star map, divert your power to the engine, and tell it to jump. You then instantly arrive at your destination.

You can also upgrade your ship at a dealer. Bolt on new modules to replace or make the ship bigger. Asd extra weapons. And can buy new ships. Able to own a maximum of 15.

There is also a ship designer where you can buy all the parts and build whatever you like. I've seen some games build ships that look a bit like the Millenium Falcon. In only 10 hours into the game so am still using the first ship, so can't really comment on that further. I've also only had dog fights with a few pirate ships so am far from discovering everything. Apparently there are derelict ships you can discover and board to determine what happened to them. That sounds like fun.

When on planet however the game is very Skyrim/Fallout in look, feel and action. Combat isn't that different, all be it without the Pip boy. You talk to NPCs with the same multi answer and question optio s system. Plus the persuasion questions to try and get them to agree to something. You can recruit people to join your crew (party), thrn they follow you around, or are waiting at the ship, depending on what you are doing. And they fight alongside you. So the majority of thy game mechanics, look and feel of the game is like all their other games. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you liked the Fallout and Morrowind games you will really enjoy this.

I've tested it on PC, and also on Steam Deck via Gamepass Ultimate cloud streaming and it ran well on both. Obviously the cloud streaming is locked at the same 30fps as the Xbox version. I know I'm never fussed about fast framerates, and for a game like this which isn't a twitch shooter the framerate is fine.

One thing is certain, it feels like it's going to be a very large game overall and I've only just got started. I would say it reminds me the most of a mix of Mass Effect and Knights of the Old Republic, with the addition of some space flight and combat similar to No Mans Sky.

Worth playing? Definitely. Not revolutionary but very good. Definitely a 10/10.

If there is one negative is that the character models and overall objects in the game don't look any different to Skyrim or Fallout. You can even see many of the same assets being used again. And the character animations when they talk are still fairly basic.

Bugs are few so far. I've encountered many instances where I've approached an NPC and started a conversion and had to look at the back of their head for the whole thing, or they are stood behind something. The only other one was the woman with me jumped over an obstacle behind me, but her animation got stuck mid-jump so she then floated along next to me with her legs tucked up and her arms out to the side. That was quite funny.

Let me know what you thought of it if you have given it a go.