Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Sickness
Demon Cleaner 13:24 26th August 2023
Ok, so I'm quite sick at the moment, everything started with a prostatitis some weeks ago, PSA on 7.5 and together with that I was coughing all the time. So I got antibiotics for the prostatitis and the PSA went down again after 1 week. Then after 3 weeks I finished the antibiotics and 3-4 days later it started again. Went back to urologist and had to make blood, urine and sperm tests which showed that the PSA was still fine, but I got 2 different medications which I have to take for the next 3 months.

Coughing didn't stop and I got fever all the time, so the urologist thought that this does not necessarily come due to the prostatitis and I went on to make some other tests, basically for the lungs.

The last week then I had higher fever for 5 days straight and I made a radio on Friday to see first if it's not again a sarcoidosis as I already had one beginning of 2000. I also had to do a scanner, but only last Wednesday. Radio and further blood tests showed no sarcoidosis so I was happy and because I got new antibiotics for lung treatment I felt better from Monday on.

Tuesday evening my leg started hurting a bit and Wednesday morning I woke up at 7 and my right leg was hurting like hell, so I looked down and noticed that it was completely blue and had swollen to the double size than the left leg. It was hurting so much and could barely walk so that I told my girlfriend to drive me to the emergency.

There they made an echography and found out that I had a thrombose and I had to lie down until they find out what exactly is happening. They then took me to the scanner for the lungs and found out that I had a pulmonary embolism caused by the thrombose.

I stayed in a bed in the emergency until they found me a room in cardiology. I got my leg tightly bandaged straight away and blood thinner injections. There was quite a big blood clot that shot up through the whole body, through the heart and ended up in my lungs causing this. Doctor said it was good that I came, as also if the blood clot remains inside the heart, you will die.

So I spend now the last 4 days in hospital getting monitored, not allowed to stand up at all and getting these injections.

Today I was allowed to come home but have to take those anticoagulant pills for the next 6 month. I'm not allowed to do anything where I might hurt myself as this means I could bleed out quite fast, so it's quite dangerous. I need also the leg bandaged all the time to help the blood thinning faster which unfortunately does not prevent another blood clot shooting up.

My leg is still hurting like a bitch and I can only walk for around for 20 seconds, after that I have to lie down immediately as it becomes too painful.

I'm also still taking the pills for the prostatitis which seems to get better though. And I still have to see an internist to determine if it is not a permanent embolism as I already had this sarcoidosis, if it is like that I would need to take the anticoagulants for life which is obviously not optimal at all. Inner bleeding is becoming highly dangerous and lethal.