Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Half-life Doom
Harrison 11:31 3rd May 2007
Has anyone also seen this project?

When you first hear the name you instantly assume that someone has ported the original Doom levels over into the Half Life engine as a cool update to the game. But no! Instead some insane person has translated the complete Half Life game into the original Doom engine. Complete madness!

Even the little marine head on the control panel has been replaced with the head of Gordon who looks around and winces just like the original marine did. Quite cool in a way, but again very mad that anyone would go to all this trouble.

Fancy playing the whole of Half Life, but Doom style? Now you can.

Submeg 02:04 4th May 2007
whoa that is insane...he has way too much free time on his hands!
Demon Cleaner 05:51 4th May 2007
I just could copy/paste my post from the other thread You should have made only one thread of this, as it's almost the same.
J T 13:58 4th May 2007
Just like DC said, except this version contains even less lesbians
Harrison 15:53 4th May 2007
Yeah, sorry about that.
Demon Cleaner 15:53 4th May 2007
YOU will be doomed