Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Directory Opus 9
Harrison 23:50 21st May 2007
This is quite cool. My DOpus 8 60 day free trial was due to end in 4 days and I was about to purchase a license when I received a message saying version 9 was available. So I downloaded and installed the update and have been given another 60 day free trial period. Bonus!
Demon Cleaner 00:04 22nd May 2007
That's great. I still can't decide whether to buy it or not. When I used it for a month it was of great use, but then I had to use the normal explorer again, which sucked. So if I'm not gonna use it for 60 days, I will not miss it afterwards
Harrison 00:12 22nd May 2007
As I've said before. You don't realise how good the features of DOpus are until you don't have it.
Submeg 06:05 22nd May 2007
Just another thing to add to my wish list...
Harrison 20:03 22nd May 2007
It's quite sad to report that DOpus 9 is currently quite unstable, especially when accessing networked drives. I've been running it since I upgraded from version 8 yesterday and it has already crashed about 10 times today.

Luckily it does recover better that 8 did. With version 8 when it crashed you often needed to reboot the PC to get a file lister to show again, but with 9 after a crash it just relaunches a new DOpus thread and you are back up and running, so not as bad.
Demon Cleaner 21:27 22nd May 2007
Hm, that's not good to hear. Does it ONLY happen when accessing networked drives?
Harrison 22:23 22nd May 2007
It so far only seems to happen when I have at least one network drive open in a listers and DOpus comes up Not Responding when I right click and drag a file to move it into one of the lister views. It doesn't crash otherwise.
Demon Cleaner 00:06 23rd May 2007
Did you try reporting the error/bug to Gpsoft? I would tell them about that problem.
Harrison 00:46 23rd May 2007
Yes, I'm going to when I get chance as it definitely seems to be a repeatable bug. At least on this PC it is.
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