Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Zelda: Ocarina of Time gets Unreal Engine 5.2 Beta makeover
Harrison 23:48 7th April 2023
I didn't get into Minecraft at all until my son became interested via Youtube. I tried it out a few times over the years, but never got that far into it. But Tom was watching this channel called Greg's World where a father and his young son were just filming their daily life. Greg got his son into Lego which was the big interest for us to watch. They then started to play video games and then got into Minecraft. Tom wanted to try playing it, so we got him a tablet. Then Covid hit and we all started playing it at home together. I set up a realm server and we have been playing it ever since, continuing to build within that world.

I think it's one of those games where having others you know interested in it too helps. Especially if you live together. It also got my wife into playing it, as she really enjoyed the farming side of it.