Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: The legality of including game rom files with original media?
Harrison 10:05 14th December 2022
Does anyone know the legality of this?

Physical media, especially floppy disks, for retro systems are getting very old now. Most Amiga game floppies and now 30+ years old. It's amazing many do still work.

I have a massive collection of boxed Amiga games but now I hardly ever look at them, let alone use them. There are some I will always keep, but many are just being stored away, so I'm thinking of starting to sell some. But I know some of the floppies will fail and can't be read. Obviously I will state that as thy games are so old there is no guarantee the original disks will still with, but I had the idea of including the ADFs of the disks with the sales. Possibly using a storefront so that buyers could unlock access to download the files after purchase. But what would the legality of doing that be? My thought is that because they have purchased thy game they have a legal right to using the roms for that game as a backup in case the original media fails.

Thoughts on this?