Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Leakbot
Harrison 01:46 28th November 2022
My house insurance have just sent me a free device I had never heard of, called a Leakbot.

I had to look it up as had no idea what it was or how to use it. The device itself is a small black box with a button on the side and a clip on that back. You install its app, then enter the device serial and it walks you through setting up Wi-Fi and an account. Once finished you have to find where the incoming water supply is, which is normally where the stopcock is located and you clip it to that mains water supply pipe. And that is it.

But what does it actually do?

It's meant to be able to monitor, log and track water usage in your house by detecting the sudden changes in temperature and air pressure in the pipe. After a few days it starts to log daily water usage, and once it has enough data it can then detect unusual continuous water flow which could indicate a water leak in the house. It will then alert your phone and aid you in contacting someone to fix it.

I'm currently sceptical if this will actually do anything, but it was free from my house insurance, and with it fitted they cover the cost of repairs. If I had to buy it, it would have cost £150, so for they price you would hope it works. We will see.