Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Tactics Ogre Reborn
Harrison 09:18 16th November 2022
Pentinent interests me. The dark ages of Europe was a very barbaric, complex, religious and feudal time and I like this idea of using art in the style of illumination as the way to tell the story of that era.

I just checked and it's on Xbox Gamepass so I won't need to buy it. Somerville is also on there so I might check that out too as it looks interesting and is only meant to be a few hours long.

I'm also currently reading Light Perpetual by
Andrzej Sapkowski (Book 3 in his Hussite trilogy) which is set in 14th century Europe, centering around the Polish, Czech, and Bohemians, with mass Religious heresy, suspicion of everyone, burnings, flaylings, and Catholic against Hussite religious wars. So this game should be interesting as the video previews show much of this.